idk what to call this honestly... but enjoy

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Practice was good as fuck, I never knew how much easier it could be without Ace here demanding and hogging the ball. The team actually works together really well this year and I gotta hand it to Karmen, she's actually really good.

Practice is over and were all headed home to get changed but me and Karmen decided to go work on the project and then get changed so that we don't have to work after. Once I got my bag I head over to my car and tell Karmen I'll meet her at her house.
I hop into my car and start blasting my music I wait for Karmen to pull off and then follow her.
We make it to her house and she opens the door and we head in.

Kay: we still have a few more questions to ask and then we have to start on the presentation and all that. Want anything to eat or drink?

Jas- um I'll just take a water and some chips.

Kay- OK let's get started
She says as she comes back in with the snacks.

Jas: OK. Karmen wha-

Kay- How come you never call me Kay?

Jas- what you mean?

Kay- Ever since I met you, you've never called me Kay, you always call me Karmen.

Jas- I don't know, I guess I was trying to keep from getting close to you knowing that you knew lay and all.

Kay- Look Lay's a bitch ass nigga who was trying to get me to do some work for her and I'll stop for you but I can't JUST stop we gone needa a plan or some shit but well figure that out later.

Jas- OK but how come none of your family is here and since when were you a baller.

Kay- nigga I BEEN a baller obviously I mean Axe didn't get the spot she's had for years now because of me, but uh I think my parents took the twins out, I don't really know. But what about you when did u start playing ?

Jas- well I been playing these girls since the age of 5, you know I was always a good looking nigga if I must say so myself but-

Kay- Jas shut the hell up, you know I'm talking about basketball fool.

Jas- Well I been playing that since I was 5 too, I mean how else was I supposed to the girls, these girls like niggas with talent and a real passio- man why the fuck you laughing so hard?

Kay- nigga you know u tripping man them girls confused now on what sexuality they are now so I know you ain have no girls at 5, only girls you had were on some best friends forever type shit nigga.

Jas- Yeah yeah what the fuck ever keep laughi-

Right as we actually start learning something about each other her phone goes off.
She gives me the wait a minute sign and walks into the other room, 5 minutes later she walks back in looking pissed asf and mumbling shit.

In the middle of me and Jas finally getting to know each other more than just the questions we have to ask my phone goes off. Giving her the wait a minutes sign I walk off into another room and answer the call.

Kay- Hello?

???- Hey babe...... Did you miss me?
I can hear the smirk in her voice and it internally pisses me off.

Kay- w-what you w-want man

???-so its man now? We'll see about that soon baby girl.
For some reason I could never talk to her without being scared, she had been the one person to strike fear into my heart as well as love at the same time, wherever I went no matter how far behind I left her she followed behind and showed up when I least wanted her to. Like now for example.

Kay- what d-do you want.

???- come meet me at-

???- man give me the damn phone hey Kay we need you to meet us you know where you got 10 minutes.

Kay- Lay?

Lay- yes duh now come meet us at the house on the corner of 5th and 3rd, you have 10 minutes be there.

Well now I gotta get Jas out the house without her suspecting shit, and I gotta meet up wit two dick heads, one of which actually thinks she has dick *mumbles- fucking bitch ass niggas*.
Walking back in I see Jas.

Jas- what's wrong wit you?

Kay- we gotta go I'll try and meet y'all later to celebrate.

Jas- you finna leave?

Kay- no WE finna leave fuck it look? like I just said that didn't I *mumbles- stating the damn obvious n shit*

Jas- who you think you talking to? And what u mean WE leaving WE gotta project to work on.

Kay- man we can work on that later and yes WE, YOU gotta leave cuz this ain't ya damn house and I gotta go cuz I gotta take care of some shit.

As soon as I get her to leave I hop in the car and pull off. This shit better be fucking important or imma mess some shit up. I pull up to the house and rush to the door and start banging on it until its opened, when it does I see her annoying ass and Lay bitch ass.

Kay- The fuck she doing here Lay and the fuck u want.

???- I'm here because I can be is that a problem?
She says lifting up her shirt revealing her piece, this bitch got issues obviously.

Lay- Dayna put that shit up, you always starting unnecessary shit, but her being here don't concern you Kay what's this I here about u fucking up the plan.

As I pulled off down the street I stopped and waited for her to get in the car and pull off. As she pulled off and went the other way I pulled out, turned around and trailed her to her destination.

About 20 minutes later she was pulling into a 2 story house that I had never seen in my life, it was gorgeous way better than the house I lived in now but not better than Kay's, her house had that homey family type feel while this house felt like it was empty, I decided to wait a few houses down and see what was going on, as I was going to start the car and drive a few houses down the door opened and I found eye contact with the one person I planned on never seeing again.

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