A whole different type

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Kays POV
I really wonder how Lay and Jasmine know eachother. Its been a week and its really been bugging me. Jas hasn't been to school or answered any of my texts and if this keeps going on I know for sure this project won't get done and we're gonna fail. I get up and decide that since she probably won't be there again there's no one to impress meaning there will be no reason to dress super girly. That being said I throw on some black jeans that are loose but still skinny, a white sweatshirt and some white red and black J's. Then I put my hair up into a curlyt messy bun, throw on a red nike visor and wake the twins up. I make breakfast for me and the twins and head out to school since my mom said she'd drop them off when she got up.

I know I been M.I.A lately but shit been going on. I ain been to school in a while cuz a nigga head messed up. He almost got me the other day, I forgot to lock my door and while I was tryna sleep that bum ass nigga came in and tried to have his way with me. Luckily I'm a light sleeper and heard that nigga, ended up breaking a lamp on his head. After mama took him to the hospital to get stitches and when she got back she put me out. Didnt let me get clothes or nothing, I had my phone but an hour after that shit was disconnected. I been stayin wit my auntie Riah and her 5 and 6 year old Myah and Jacob since then but she making me go to school today. She's my aunt on my daddy side oh and her husband is my principal, Principle Kelly. This is the only other family on my dads side that I know of besides THEM. Anyways I'm headed to school.

At school.
I walk in and see my nigga Ace and head over.
Ace- well look at what we got here, this nigga not dead.
Jas- naw I ain dead just been getting my life together bro.
Ace- and you can bet your life together all you want but next time tell someone what's up, let a nigga know u alive. But where was yo ole dusty ass any ways.
Jas- aight B but my momma tripping bro, she kicked a youngin out dude.
Ace- Seriously br- yo, Kay

I turn around ands see some stud tryna walk away like she ain hear Ace but then Ace walked over to her. Hmmmm.... Kay, the only Kay I know is girly as hell, who tf is this.

I walk into school and head to my locker. I heard basketball conditioning start today so I throw my basketball bag in there and start walking over to Ace. But then I see this bitch talking to someone and then they turn around and low and behold its Jasmine ole dusty ass. To make matters worse Ace sees me and start callin my name. I try to tuen and walk away like I ain hear her ass but then this girl come over wit a confused looking Jasmine. Her can't take a hint head ass gone ask me why was I walking away. Why was I walking away, why was I walking away, no why was YOU following me, if u see me walk away then obviously I wasn't tryna talk to you at the moment.

K- hey
Ace-hey where was you going
K- ummm the cafeteria I skipped breakfast, so uh yeah imma go-
Jas- Kay???
This is where I look around and act like I don't hear that bitch.
Jas-kay. Wow- you's a whole different type a gay hmm.
K-tf does that mean.
Jas- well I just figured u was a lil girly fem type bitch bu-
K- and that's where you wrong, don't assume shit because that'll make a ass outta you and me. And despite what you thought that's now how u confront someone so don't come for me nigga.

Tf I'm speachless. Now I really ain feeling this project.
Jas- cool out, bro?? Dude?? Girl..?
Kay- look I'll just see you in class and don't skip out cuz I ain coin this project by myself.
With that she walked away and I just kinda stared afyr her.
Ace- bro tf was that all about, what you bitter she not as girly as you thought
Jas- naw bro, I just don't like people who ain't true about they selves from the start.
Ace- aight imma see you later go to class bro.
Jas- aight see you later and what makes you think you can tell me to class.
Ace-just go nigga and don't forget we got basketball later.
Jas-aight I'm out bye.

Teacher- Mrs.Centina nice of you to join us today. Lucky you we haven't done anything but worked in our partners the past week. I suggest you find yours and get straight to work, you've got a lot of work to catch up on.
This bitch here.. Let me stop.

I walk over to Karmen to see her smirking.
Jas- fuck you smirking at nigga
Kay- can we just start
Jas-whatever what we supposed to do
Kay- well first we gotta write a poem about what we thought about each other when we first met, and then after we "get too know each other" we gotta write another one.
Jas- aight
Kay-you got 5 mins to write one then we read each others and get "get to know" one another.
Kay-ugggh, just start
Kay-fine, why you always gotta have the last word
Jas- can we just start
Kay-Idk can We
Jas- just go
Jas- well....
Kay-bitch I already done started if you don't shut the hell up and get going
Jas-fine dang
5 mins later
Jas- here, I'm done
Kay- oh um, I'm not done yet
Jas- oh well stop tryna erase shit here
*snatches the paper away*


Jas poem-
She was girly
Now she like me
Its weird
Gave me a whole new feeling of curiosity
But I don't like her
But I want to know more
She's just

As different as I am shes intresting, but she better check who she be talking to, I'm kinda hoping she didn't read mine yet, I put some stuff Im not ready for her to know I know.

She so extra,who care what you wrote, we can fix it later.
Wait I mean you, yoiu can fix it later.

Her poem so hard to read, she tried to erase it.
Kay poem-
Th re's so ething she hiding
I see it the way s e walks
Ho does she k ow La
Why do s L y wan me t do th s
She se ms co l , j st mo dy
H mm w at am I mis ing

I read it over and start putting prices together.

There's something shes hiding
I see it in the way she walks
How does she know Lay
Why does Lay want me to do this
She se ems cool , just moody
Hmmm what am I missing

What is she missing what am I missing.

Kay's POV
I see Jas look up at me with a face of mixed emotions and then she storms out. I pick up the papers and rush out.
Kay- Jasmine wait
While running down the hall someone pulls my arm and I fall into a.... Janitors closet???
I look up and see Jasmine

Jas-what do you know
Jas-i said what the fuck do you know Kamden this ain't a game.
Kay-its Karmen and I don't know anything that's what im trying to figure out.
Jas-how dok you know Lay
Kay- she used to be my Best friend, how do you know her
Jas- *looks off* she's my cousin
Kay-*mutters* then why does she want revenge
Jas-reveng, revenge fore what- tf you talking bout
Kay- look stopo raising your voi-
Jas- know that girls family caused a lot of shit to happen to mine and if you know something I need you to tell.
Kay- I was just supposed to get you to fall for me, that's why I wore those girly clothes the first day.
Jas- what else.
Kay-nothing el-
Jas- don't lie to me Kay WHAT ELSE!!!
Kay-look you gone stop raising your damn voice you big and bad and tryna fight remember Im still a female and so are you whether I pop you in the mouth like one or not.

All of a sudden she just fell and started crying I spent all of 2cnd and 3rd period calming her down and then she just walked out and I walked out behind her.

I ain seen these niggas since 1st period. Karmen think she slick coming to school dressed like that. Just cause lay not here don't mean she don't got eyes around this bitch. Im still walking and i see them come out the janitors closet.
Ace-well ill be damned.
Jas walked off and all thats left is me and Karmen.
Karmen- its not what it looks like bro.
Then she walk off.
It better be what it looks like cause you supposed to be getting that bitch to like you.
Just cause Karmen don't know I'm working wit Lay I know she is and she better not pull no sneaky shit. I mean Kay is daddy (if you know what I mean) and everything is reported back to her.

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