Some type of way

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Kay Pov
After fooling with there bs I left and went home to get ready for our team celebration. It was supposed to be a lil get together to hang and learn about each other and help us become more like family. I hop in the shower and after getting out I go to my closet and pick out some black loose jeans, polo boxers, sorts bra, and a white fitted tee with a army green bomber jacket on top. After throwing it all on I put on my silver chain and throw in my studs and head out.

Jas Pov
After seeing that shit I didn't know how to feel. I sorta felt played, but I don't know why. She was just another person who came into my life that I couldn't trust. I don't even know why I'm acting like a bitch about it though, I mean I just met her, we only talked because we had a project and were on the same team. I couldn't help but try convince myself that it didn't matter because she was fake and I never trusted her in the first place but deep down inside I couldn't deny that she was starting to grow on me and because of that, I was left feeling some type of way.
I decided to go home and get dressed for this get together thing. I got in the shower hopped out and then threw on some light blue ripped jeans, a white tee shirt, a blue and red dodgers baseball jersey, and some white harrauches. I decided that when I saw her tonight I would simply ignore her, or maybe I would tease her a bit, play with her feelings some since that's how people seemed to like to do me.

Sorry for the long delay but I'm updating again tonight, and sorry if this was short this was just a filler.

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