Something to Stare at

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Damn I feel like a weak ass nigga. Can't believe I let her see me cry, but isn't worry about that now I got basketball tryouts in a few. Here's a few things you need to ow, me and ace don't play about basketball, were the best basketball players there are arroiund here and no one takes our spots. We just that good that's my nigga and she got my back and I got hers. I know everything about her we don't keep no secrets, AT ALL, she even told me when she had diarrhea and what it looked like and trust me, NO ONE wanted to know that shit. But here this fool come now.

Ace: wassup J

Jas: nun but what's she doing?
I say pointing at Karmen.

Ace: she trying out for basketball, she say she can beat me but I doubt it.

Kay: whatever I got more skills than you think.

Ace: mhmmm we'll see what you say when you on the JV team cuz the Varsity team already got who they need including those three and me and Jas.
She says while pointing at Ryder (Ryelle), Mead (Meadow), and Dee (Deanna).

Jas: one its Jas and I and two I don't know how yo can't shoot a free throw ass be making the team.

She say while hitting me.

Jas: I'm just playing damn witcho man hands tf.

We walk into the gym heading towards the locker room to change. Once in I go to my locker and start changing and then it get quiet, I mean hella quiet. I turn to see why it got quiet and I'll be damned, she made us all stop and stare, then she started looking at herself to see if there was something on her, it was cute asf she look so innoce-- wait no. But i had to admit as much as I don't like studs she was built as hell and sexy as a mother fucker too. I look her down and up and stop when I reach her eyes, she held mine with her own causing me to blush and for a moment I almost was a whole nother type of gay, until-
Coach- hurry up and get dressed in here, every minute after five that's another lap.
We all hurry up and get dressed but not without me stealing another glance.


They keep playing me like I'm not good enough to make the team but they better watch out, I might just have ole girls spot. Anyways we head into the gym going to the locker rooms too get changed. When I walk in its noisy as hell, girls laughing and joking. I sit and joke with them and then start getting ready. Pulling off my black jeans throwing on my basketball shorts still joking with them, even though I don't know most of them that much they pretty chill. Then I pull off my white hoddie and get ready to get my shirt out my bag and it gets quiet asf. I look up and see all eyes on me, I look at myself to see if there's something on me, spotting nothing I look up and around and when I get to Jas I see her give me a once over and we meet eyes. She blushes and everything freezes and all I can see is her and all I can feel is my heart beating extra hard, but I don't know why, this shouldn't be happening. I tell myself its a trap but find myself almost falling until-
Coach- hurry up and get dressed in here, every minute after five that's another lap.
We all hurry up and get dressed and I know that I have to get my head together, she's just a mission to help my bestfriend. But if that's the case, why do I want to help her instead???

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