On My Detective Shit

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Kay Pov

Next Day ( no you didn't miss anything)

I woke up the next morning naked, laying next to someone with a major headache. I looked over to see who was next to me and it was- Jas??? I must not be seeing correctly, rubbing my eyes and taking a second look I realize it really is Jas, ain that some bullshit, I mean what in tarnation, the fuck happened last night and why were we both naked? After thinking for a few minutes I go to wake up Jasmine, I shake her and call her name and when she doesn't wake up I push her ass off the bed. I soon hear a thump followed by a muffled owww come from the floor where she landed.

J- ahh shit man what the fuck was that for? Got me on this wooden floor, booty butt ass naked, fuck wrong witchu - wait why the fuck am I booty butt ass naked?,she asks while standing up.

K- I don't know

J- And why are you in my bed

K- Actually this is my bed, and what the hell happened last night?

After I asked that she looks at me like I'm speaking a foreign laungage or some shit.

J- I don't know but my fucking head hurt man, last thing I remember was leaving for the party.

K- Me too, but hold on.

I run out the room and get us each something for our headaches, then I go back to the kitchen and make breakfast.

Jas Pov

After bae- I mean Karmen gave me something to take my headache down she went into the kitchen to cook leaving me to shower. Once I was done I got ready whole putting on her clothes- for some reason I can't find mines (ik its not a word but oh well)- and I walked into the kitchen where I saw her with me clothes as well, she must have showered in another room.

I walk in and she starts fixing the plates, after that we sat down to eat, as she starts stuffing her face I clear my throat to which looks at me as if I'm dumb.

J- Grace

K- What about it?

J- You didn't say it

K- And?

I glare at her and she keeps my glare until she gets uncomfortable, gives in, and says the grace. After that we eat for a while before one of us speaks.

K- So you sure you don't remember anything from last night?

J- That's what i said ain't it?

K- No need for the attitude,

she fires back defensively.

J- Sorry, look all I know is that I went to the party, woke in your bed naked with a headache, and that my clothes are no where near to be found.

K- Welp, nothing we can do about that but we need info asap, no rocky.

J- You lame as fuck for that.

K- Oh well all I know is I'm finna be on my detective shit, you down?

J- Hell yeah, why wouldn't I be?

K- Whatever, first person to ask would be-

J- anyone at the party, meaning anyone on the team including-

K- Coach, look at us finishing each others sentences.

J- Oh my gosh shut the fuck up, put some shoes on, and lets go nigga.

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