Raven Chapter 8

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"So... Slade took them all," Beast Boy murmured.

"Yeah. Slade has all of them. Damian, Star and Jaime."

(Hey it's speedy, you might be confused on why BB and Raven are thinking they're all gone. They don't know they Star and Jaime are searching. They were unconscious. Now, continue!)

"What do we do? They're all gone. It's only us two."

"Umm... I don't know. All I do know is we can't be in grief. We need to keep moving."

"Move where?"

"Well, at the moment, anywhere."

"Any ideas?"

"We have Damian's utility belt."

"Um... Have you seen anything else?" Garfield asked me in a hopeful tone.

"No. None. For now, we should look for Damian. He is the only one we have a clue on. Too bad all we know is he was here."

"Put the belt in front of my face," Garfield told me. I waved it in front of his face as he turned into a dog and began to smell the ground.

Garfield (as a dog) smiled at me and started panting. He turned around and began following the scent again.

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