Chapter 2

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After class was finished I waited until the class was deserted, so I could collect my stuff and leave the classroom.

"Ahh, Ms. Winters, I have a request for you," Mr. Weselton called out and I saw that Jack Frost was there as well in the now empty classroom.

"Oh, yes?" I forced out, putting on a fake smile. 

"Jack, here needs somebody to show him around, so could you be a dear and do?" He smiled confidently. Jack smirked at me and I just ignored him.

"NO!" My mind yelled out, but in reality I said, "Of course." I tried my best to smile and once I turned around with him trailing behind me, a big frown appeared on face.

"So you're Ella, right?" he smirked ruffling his hair, while he walked next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Elsa," I mumbled. "Elsa Winters."

"Ohh, right," He chuckled. I sighed and started showing him classrooms. "So this is the Spanish room, that in the corner is the art room, that over there with the big doors is the opening to the gym." We walked down stairs and he stared at all the posters surrounding him. I noticed how thin is chapped lips were, and how his hair was naturally messy, yet so, so, very sexy.

"You done checking me out, Winters?" he smirks his icy blue eyes looking deep into my soul.

"No, don't flatter yourself," I sigh looking away, hiding my embarrassment, I shouldn't have done that. I'm so stupid.

"Okay so over here-" I start but Jack shushes me and waves his hand not caring about what I had to say.

"Look, I think I can take it from here, you're boring me." He yawned and grabbed a paper out of his pocket. "Where's room 207 that's my next class."

I grabbed my paper because I also seemed to have that class as well and snatched his paper looking at our classes.

We have...ALL THE SAME CLASSES! The teachers must have done this on purpose! I'm a good student but for them using me to take care of this arrogant jerk is too far. I rubbed my temples, stressfully. This is amazing, simply amazing.

"Follow me," I groan annoyed. He nodded and then the awkwardness started to happen as we walked at least 5 feet apart from each other.

We finally made it to the classroom and opened the door.

"You're late, explain yourselves," Mrs.Hearts snaps looking at us quizzically.

"I was showing Jack around the school he's new here," I shyly respond giving her our excused late passes from Mr. Weselton. She nodded slowly and pointed to the two available seats.

The rest of the class was just looking at Jack and ignoring my presence. I decided to read a book secretly. I felt Jack glance at me a few times which made me feel uncomfortable, but I just went on with it pretending not to care. He has no affect on me, I'm still the nerdy Elsa girl, and that will never change.

Besides, Jack isn't interested in girls like me, he likes girls that are willing to give themselves. Needy girls, as I call them, the girls that feel the need to expose themselves, so they can feel wanted. In my opinion, It's very sad because you should get a boy who will love you for the real you. Not just for your body.

Jack and I are opposites, but I must admit, there's one thing I bet we have in common, we like challenges. Just by seeing the way he is, I can tell he's that player kind of type so I'll have to stay away.

Once it was time for lunch, I headed to the roof of the school, with my bag of lunch. My only friend that I have besides my sister is my cousin, Rapunzel, and her family, but they live far away.

I went to the roof, but once I got there, smoke filled my nose and I started to cough. I squinted my eyes, since the smoke made them sting a bit and I looked carefully at the person sitting on the edge of the roof. I looked carefully and realized it was JACK!

He looked behind him and noticed my presence and he frowned at me making me give him a confused look.

I cleared my throat to speak but words didn't come out. Why is it that I always have to find myself in a situation with the new kid.

"T-this is my spot," I manage to sputter our trying my best to look at him in the eyes.

"Than find a new one, not my problem," He puts the cigar in his mouth again and I shudder in disgust.

What made him start smoking anyway? It's bad for you, I mean doesn't he go to health class?

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Jack, opening my lunch to eat food.

"What are you doing." He snaps looking at me weirdly.

"I'm going to eat," I plainly state. "Just because you stole my spot doesn't mean I can't eat." A small victorious smile appeared on my lips, this is interesting.

"So, why do you sit here?" He asks looking at the empty road.

I sighed looking at him, "I don't belong anywhere, so I find it nice to go somewhere isolated from everyone, you?" Why am I talking to him?

"Let's just say, the girls wouldn't leave me alone." He groaned ruffling his hair again and I silently giggle at his struggle.

"Yea, they are very crazy, so why did you come here?" I grin.

He suddenly looked at me in the eyes, and at that moment I saw something strange. Pain, was it? Why does he have so much pain in his eyes. He's so confusing.

He throws the cigarette and stands up. "I'm leaving," He bluntly says.

"Why?" I suddenly say out loud.

He says something under his breath that I can't understand and I look down. He probably doesn't want to make friends with the weirdo girl of the school. I don't blame him.

"I-I just have to go," And with that he leaves me confused. Maybe he is what I think he is.

"I can't get close to anybody anymore, not now, not ever." Is what Jack really said under his breath, but why?

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