Chapter 8

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Monday was finally here and to say the truth, I have no idea what I have to do. Jack will probably do everything, I'm probably going to have to stop myself from throwing up. I just can't believe I agreed on doing this 'game' with him, but why me?

Out of all the girls, he had to choose me to mess with. I don't blame him, I mean he must think I'm an easy target but, boy has he thought wrong. Let's just say this will be his best but worst mistake ever. I'll just let him do all the work, I don't think I have the guts to actually do anything honestly.

I got up from my bed and started walking out of my room to the bathroom.

Well I've gotta keep putting my hair a nice pretty bun right?


"What the hell?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes. Who could be here at 6:35 in the morning!

I walked up to the door and opened it. "Rapunzel, your friend is here!" I yell looking at her like she's crazy for coming here this early, but she just smiled.

Rapunzel came flying down the stairs along with Anna there hair was done, makeup, and basically everything was done. "What is this about." I say suspiciously.

"This is for you silly!"Anna squeals. This red head girl must be a cheerleader along with Anna and Rapunzel. The red haired girl is Merida, I know because she is not the nicest person when she is around boys. She earned some of my respect. "We are here to give ya a makeover." Merida said getting out a humongous bag.

"No, this must be a mistake." I shake my head. They can't already know about the 'relationship' with me and Jack.

"Nope, this is no joke, Jack told us that you too are dating now, so we decided to give you a makeover, and trust me Jack will love it!" Anna squealed again hugging me tightly and letting go.

"R-Rapunzel.." I say hoping she wouldn't start freaking out. I mean she's finding out that we are dating right after they just broke up. If I were her I would be so upset and mad. She's one amazing cousin.

"I trust you." She smiles. "And if you want to date him, I will be okay with it." She winks at me. "Thank you." I whisper hugging her. That was strangely easily.

Now I can get this Jack talk out of my chest, and just let them do what they are about to do.

"My name is Merida by the way." Merida says and I just nod even though I know her name.

"Alright, relax and let us do our magic." Rapunzel smirks.


30 minutes later, they were all done, no more pulling my hair, putting powder on my face, and giving me revealing clothes which I did not like. It was a light blue crop top, with jeans, now those were cute but so tight! The shirt had this snowflake at the top and I just couldn't help but find it cute. Now my hair was a different story.

"I always thought you looked nice with braids Els." Anna smiles, my mind flooding with memories. "Its's beautiful, Anna."

It really did suit me and I actually liked for my outfit...

I looked at all of us and sighed. "We all look so great, but maybe I should put a different shirt..." I say nervously.

"NO!" They all yell. "You look hot Elsie!" Rapunzel yells.

"I don't know you very well, but I can already tell you are the one for Jack, he's changing back..." Merida whispers the last part.

"W-what?" I say. 'changing' back'? What does she mean?

"N-nothing!" She yells. "Lets go guys!"

"W-wait we haven't eaten yet!" I yell as they drag me to Merida's car.

"Who cares, she has chocolate in the car." Anna giggles showing me a Hershey bar.

"Guys, what are they going to think when they see me?" I say my face turning into a frown. I look basic now, this isn't who I am. And I wanted to prove that Jack could fall in love with the more nerdy me. Not a crop top wearing me.

"They are going to say, "That's Elsa? I thought she was curvless! Whoa, she's actually hot! and more!"

"Thanks Anna." I sarcastically say rolling my eyes.

Merida starts going the opposite direction to school and I start getting uneasy "Guys, school is that way..."

"Oh, we are going to star bucks." Merida smirks, I nod and sink back into my seat. Great they're making me into a full on white girl. Just amazing. (NO OFFENSE TO ANY WHITE GIRLS, LOL)


Merida parks in school right on time for us to get ready for class and she says "Okay, now guys we have to walk in, in a straight line, looking fabulous."

We all nod and I just smiled hiding my stomach with my arms. Is this what they seriously do everyday. I call this a waste of time.

"Okay, first of all, put your arms down and roll them back, now put a smile on that pretty face and walk with us!" Rapunzel giggles helping me with my posture.

I do what she says and start walking. Thank God they put me in flats... I would've been falling like there was no tomorrow.

Anna pushes the doors open and than faces, all I saw were faces on me. The hallway became silent with whispers and I've never felt so uncomfortable in my entire life.

Some whispers were nice but some made me feel small. Than I see people making space for other 'people' and my heart starts beating faster when I see white hair starting to get closer.

Jack. It feels like it was just the two of us and for the first time I saw a real smile but as fast as it got there it went away and was replaced by a smirk. The girls faded into the crowd leaving Jack and I to ourselfs and people just kept staring but I blocked them out.

I let my arms cover my stomach in anxiety.

Jack Ruffles his hair and looks at me up and down. His face suddenly looks into my eyes, and I look into his, his eyes captivating me to a whole new world. So blue...

Jack walked closer and was now suddenly face to face with me. His breath sending shivers down my spine, and I just feel like a loser saying this but his body was so close to mine and I liked it! He leaned in to my ear and whispers.

"Game on, Snowflake."

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