Chapter 4

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The next week went by in a blur, I cleared my mind of all my issues and decided to take some Yoga classes. Yes, yoga, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. It really does clear your mind and makes you feel more relaxed.

There were way more older people, when I got there. They always looked at me strangely. They probably have never seen or thought a teenager would be interested in something as 'relaxing' as this. I feel like this is probably the best choice I've made since I was stressing over something that isn't my problem.

Rapunzel confessed to me and Anna, that Jack and her were in love, that he may ask her out on Monday. Today is Sunday and a part of me knows Jack probably will ask her out, but this just seems unreal to me. He flirts with girls all the time at school, how is Rapunzel any different. I just find hard to believe and if Rapunzel gets hurt, I will personally give him a piece of my mind.

I was in my car driving to an ice cream shop, since I was craving some chocolate ice cream at the moment.

I parked and got out of the car, but stopped in my tracks when I saw a white haired boy paying for his ice cream. I groaned and turned around before I heard a girly voice yell "Elsie!" Uh, oh its Rapunzel too!

I turned around again "Oh, Hi, didn't see you there." I lied. Jack smirked at me and put his arm around Rapunzel's waist making me shudder in disgust, She can do way better than that. "What are you doing here, Winters?" Jack looked at me in the eyes, its like he could read my soul. "I-I was getting ice cream, if you would excuse me." I pushed past the couple and walked to get ice cream stand.

"What would you like?" The shaggy brown haired named Hiccup said. I told him my order and 3 minutes later I was holding my treasure and walking to a table.

Rapunzel and Jack suddenly interrupted my peacefulness and they sat next to me. I groaned mentally and put on the fakest smile I could put on to at least make them think I was glad they were here.

"Elsie, I have good news," She squealed looking at Jack. He was awfully quiet the rest of the week, well, to me. I should expect the unexpected.

"Jack and I are officially together!" She hugged me and I awkwardly hugged her back and saw Jack smirking at me like a weirdo.

"I'm so happy," I fake squealed. I really hope she doesn't see behind my fake smiles. Its amazing how it just takes a couple of fake smiles to hide how disgusted you are.

"This was our first date, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner," She pouted.

I sighed in my head but went along with it. Inside I was literally dying, but for what reason?


When I arrived at school, Rapunzel literally ran out of my car and jumped on Jack. I sighed, feeling a pang of loneliness, but I just put that to the side. I always tell myself that I don't need a man. That I have my sister, and that's the only love I need.

Lately, I feel like she isn't hanging out with me much. It's always...Kristoff this, Kristoff that. Everything revolves around Kristoff now. I don't want to admit it but she's just not my little sister anymore. She's becoming more of a woman than I am.

I know I hide my true feelings. I tell myself that I can take care of myself, but each day being alone just makes me feel weaker, more fragile.

Now Rapunzel has somebody that 'loves' her. I'm the only single pringle. It's like I'm the only single person around! I can't believe I ever considered being single was such a good thing. Sure, it feels great, but don't you ever want that one person to fill the missing piece in your heart?

Suddenly, as I was casually roaming the hallway, I failed to notice somebody coming out of a door and bumped into them resulting in us both falling down.

I groaned in pain rubbing my head as I stood up.

"Watch where your going next time, Winters."

Only one person calls me that, Jack.

"Sorry." I quickly say before walking off. I felt him grab my arm but I pushed him off, but when I turned around to see him Rapunzel was literally sucking his face, distracting Jack.

Who knew how clingy she could be. I thought she was here for me not for a boyfriend. Wow, I just realized how hurt I am. I'm way stronger than this. Maybe, I just need to read. Get my mind off reality.

I went into the classroom taking out a book called 'The maze runner" and started reading.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Mr.Weselton holding out his hand to take my book.

"Detention after school Ms.Winters, I don't tolerate people not paying attention in class." He proudly said.

I handed him my book my eyes down, how embarrassing.

I heard Jack snicker and fake cough saying 'Nerd'. For some reason that hurt even more.

"I guess you many of you want detention today, Mr.Frost, detention for you too."

Jacks mouth was open and he glared at the teacher. I felt a bit better when I flashed him a fake smile making him look at me and mutter something making a few people laugh.

But both of them had the same feeling in there stomachs and couldn't deny the strange feeling of anticipation.

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