Chapter 5

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It just had to be Jack. Out of all the people in that small classroom. Why does the world have to mess with me like this?

After class was dismissed, I made sure to get out of there before anybody else, but somebody had that same idea. Jack literally made me fall again and his face was priceless but he just started to laugh and left me alone to pick up my things while people stepped on everything.

Curse you Jack! That was so rude! It wasn't my fault he had to open that 'smart' mouth of his!

When I picked everything up, a certain someone came up to me. "Elsie, I heard you got detention, with my boyfriend." Rapunzel frowns her mouth twitching as if she was bothered by this.

"Yeah, he opened that dumb mouth of his, so he also got detention, word spreads fast around here." I shrug trying to hide my smirk. "Y-you don't get it, if he wasn't my boyfriend I would think you like him." She squinted her eyes curious her eye now twitching. I almost chocked on my own saliva when I heard that. "Why would I like an arrogant jerk like him." I gasped.

"That's exactly what a person would say if they liked that person!" Rapunzel screeched glaring at me with her fake eyelashes. She even had the audacity to sassily put a hand on her hip.

"How could you say that? I'm just surprised you haven't seen Jack flirting with other girls, I mean look behind you." She looked behind her and I quickly ran to my classroom.

Who knew how crazy she was. I'll just let it slide, for now.

Oh god, I almost forgot Jack and I have the same classes! WHY teachers!?

I got out an extra book from my bag and started to get captured in the land of reading. Again...

10 minutes later...

As I was reading a felt a tap on my back. I turned around and saw Jack making me sigh. "What!" I whisper yelled. You know, I was cool, and collected, but now he just got on my last nerves. And why does it feel like my arm got hotter? I have to shake it off, heart I know you hate Jack but please don't beat that fast, goodness!

"Do you like me?" he smirked.

I'm pretty sure my face got red in anger, but I tried to keep my face as nice as possible. "Ewwww, no, ugh, how could you even say that!" I shivered in disgust.

"Awwww, you're blushing!" He lowly chuckled.

Who new his voice could get so deep. I thought it was always squeaky like Elmo's voice. I could see a resemblance actually.

"No, its actually called anger, and I'm trying not to punch you in the face right now." I sweetly reply turning around and calming myself down.

"Whatever you say, Winters," He emphasized winters, making me mentally groan in annoyance but I think it slipped out because Jack silently laughed.

I smiled a bit and than started to read once again.


When lunch came I went to my usual spot. Jack and Rapunzel are both apparently popular so they sit with the popular people. I guess I'm all by myself again, not that I wouldn't mind.

I felt a presence behind me and I looked behind myself to see Rapunzel glaring at me. "Look here cousin, I didn't come here for you to ruin everything, Jack is mine and I don't care if he flirts with other girls, because he's obviously dating me."

"Okay." I awkwardly replied trying to hide my laughter.

"Okay? That's all you have to say?!" She gawked at me.

"Well, yeah because I don't like him, so what your doing is completely pointless, and to think you would choose your 'boyfriend' over your own family. He's not a good influence on you, he's bad, and I don't want you to be with a rude person like him." I snapped.

"Who are you to tell me who I can date!" she yelled.

"I'm not telling you, you can't date him. What I'm saying is that he isn't a good person, he literally has a reputation for breaking hearts!" I yelled back.

I saw her face, and mine softened. All my yelling and I couldn't see how her eyes had become glossy.

"I-I cant believe this. It's called love Elsa and that's probably something you will never have!" She sniffled and started bursting into tears and left running.

I tried to tell her to come back but felt unnecessary tears starting to fall down. Who knew my own cousin could turn on me that easily. I don't like Jack, if anything I hate him. But what she said to me...maybe it is the truth nobody will ever love me. I'm just unlovable. Nobody can fall for a weird girl like me.

"Elsa?" I heard a voice say and run to me.

I looked at the person and it was Anna. "A-Anna, Rapunzel h-hates me." I cried into her arms.

"No she doesn't, she's dramatic, and she'll get over it okay?"

"No, you don't understand!" I sniffled.

"Than explain it to me?" she hugged me tighter.

"Well, I kind of told her how Jack wasn't a good person for her, and than she told me that it was love and that n-nobody would ever love me." I started to cry even more.

"No, she's wrong, you're the most beautiful, kindest, and lovable person I know! And if anything I love you!" She softly smiles, "I'm sorry I haven't been there for you."

"I-Its okay." I smiled wiping my tears. "I missed my next class, great." I laughed my voice hiccuping.

"I did to." She giggled.

In the back of Elsa's mind a part of her wished Jack was the one who could've soothed her, not Anna.

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