Chapter 3

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Once I got home from school, I decided to do some research on Jack Frost. He just didn't seem normal. The way he looked at me when I asked why he came here, was full of pain and sadness. Like he's hiding something that, he never wants to reveal, and the only way to hide the pain is to do bad things. I've read books about this, so I may be going a bit psycho and everything I could be saying now, could all be wrong, but what if I'm right.

I went on Facebook and searched his name. I scrolled down lists of people and finally came across a familiar face. Jack Frost. I clicked on his profile and once I saw his pictures my heart exploded. He looked so happy, so young, and full of light. He had a little girl right next to him, and the way he looked at her in the picture just set me off. He was adorable. I looked at the date for his last post and once I saw it, it was from a year ago.

So, he has a sister...that's nice. I have a sister, so I guess we do have something in common. I noticed that he wore a blue hoodie and it has a frost design on it, which made me smile a bit more. I guess we have another thing in common, however he wore black clothing today, so he's probably going through some goth stage right now. He has an earring on one ear now, but in the pictures I don't see any earring. He's changed a lot.

I turned off my laptop and climbed on my bed. "Why do I even care." I thought shaking my head. I don't even know him. With that last thought I fell asleep early and without dinner.


The next day I woke up early, Putting on a over sized hoodie, that was light blue with snowflakes. Yes, I was putting on the closest thing to what looked like Jacks hoodie in the picture. I wanted him to be reminded of what he used to be. I put white Jeans on, just because.

I woke up Anna and she woke up 10 minuets later and we ate breakfast casually. "So, did you see the new kid?" Anna squealed. "Yes, I have." I sighed dramatically. Anna's smile grew even more "Well, rumors are saying that the reason why he came here was because he got expelled for getting it on with a teacher."

I gasped and stood up from the table. "I-I have to go." I rubbed my temples and felt my bun making sure it was nice and tidy. Could all my assumptions be incorrect. Could he really just be the bad boy, the player? Have I been wrong this whole time about him. Maybe something happened causing him to put his thoughts aside and do bad things leading to him getting expelled.

I went inside my car and drove off questions jumbling inside my head. Why do I care so much? I need to stop. I put on the radio, hearing the song, Kill 'em with Kindness, by Selena Gomez.


I arrived at school just in time to see a mob of girls blocking the door way. I rolled my eyes. Great the fangirls have unleashed, I wonder who's their new pray. I pushed myself into the school, and released a victorious sigh. I went into my locker grabbing my things and headed to class, early as usual.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around only to gasp in happiness. RAPUNZEL?! I hugged her and she squealed literally picking me up in our bear hug. What is she doing here? She should be in Corona!

"I convinced my mother to bring me here, for the whole school year!" She squealed. I couldn't wipe the smile out of my face. "That's amazing, does Anna know?" I got out of her hug holding her two hands in front of me. "Yes, I told her." she smiled moving next to me. "So what class do you have?" I asked. "Some woman named Ms.Hearts." she giggled. "Oh good luck with her." I laughed along with her, and we went our separate ways.

As I was about to enter the classroom I looked behind me and noticed, Jack was talking to my cousin, making my blood boil a bit. My cousin could easily fall in love with Jacks bad boy image. Not good. I opened the door stomping into the classroom and going to the last row with a window next to the desk.

I started reading my book, 'Fault in our stars' since its my favorite book, and since I had nothing else to do. I still cant believe Augustus dies! Why him? Life is so unfair!

I ignore Jack as he comes in and he does the same. Why am I feeling something strange, like why does he talk so easily Rapunzel but he ignores me? Why should it matter to me? I could feel the chemistry between those two anyway. I cant feel this feeling, and I don't like it. This feeling of...Jealousy. I've told my sister many times, to not date someone you just met anyway, so i have to not be a hypocrite.


When I walked in the hallway going to the roof for lunch I suddenly heard lots of giggling coming from an isolated corner in the hallway. Must be a couple or something, but I have to check it out! I have a curious mind what?

I silently tiptoed and peaked. I froze and my world stopped. No, not her! What is she doing! Her first day here and she's flirting with Jack! "I'm not jealous. I'm not Jealous. I'm not jealous." I chant in my head.

I started to run to the roof and than I heard a Yell. "Elsa!" I turned around and saw Rapunzel she was smiling like a wacko.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered my head spinning, I'm just a jumbled mess right now. I think I hate Jack now. I noticed Jack coming behind her and he poked her stomach making her jump, and she slaps Jacks arm playfully. I tried to hide my disgust and I just turned around walking away.

"Jack, stop it." I heard her giggle behind me as her footsteps run towards me.

Now I rolled my eyes. He's going to break my cousin's heart if he keeps up this act. I won't let him, I'll have to warn her, but when they get close.

Jack and Rapunzel followed me, well Jack followed his barbie doll to the roof and I just wanted to be alone processing everything.

Jack kept poking and basically flirting with my cousin in front of me while I bit my tongue so I wouldn't scream at them to get a room and leave me alone.

For the rest of the day, I had to handle my cousin talking about how "hot" or "amazing" Jack was and I pretended to care.

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