Looking for Malachi

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Dante's POV

I ran into the forest and began to call out to Malachi. "Malachi?! Malachi are you in here?!" I pushed through the thick branches. We really need to make a path through this part of the forest. I continued to shout Malachi's name.

After an hour of searching I came across a little camp site. Who's been living in this forest? I thought to myself looking around for a person. "Malachi?" I asked. I small familiar figure came out of the trees. "Malachi!" I ran up to him and hugged him. He pushed me away and went and sat on his sleeping bag. "Why are you here?" Malachi said pouting. "Malachi, your parents are worried sick! The whole village has been looking for you!"
"The whole village?"
"Yes. Now come on. We've got to get you home. It'll be dark soon."
"I said no. I'm not going back." Malachi stood up and ran up the nearest tree. "Malachi? What's this about? You're a good kid. Why would you run away without telling your mom and dad?" Malachi didn't answer. I sat down on his sleeping bag and waited

"They're not my mom and dad." Malachi's little voice said from up in the tree. "What do you mean? They might not be your actual parents, but they love you as if you were their own child." I stood and walked under Malachi's tree. "No they don't." "What makes you think that way? And would you come down from the tree?" Malachi climbed down and I could see tears in his eyes. "They... They.... They" He couldn't speak. He sat down and hugged his knees. "They're always keeping secrets! And- and they treat me like I'm a little kid." I was confused. What secrets were they keeping from Malachi? "What do you mean by secrets?" "The baby!" He burst into tears. "But they told about it. Didn't they? You were right there!" "You just don't get it! Nobody does! I'm not a little kid!"

I let Malachi calm down for a bit. "Malachi? Let's go home. Okay?" He wiped his tears and nodded. The sun was almost fully hidden and I helped Malachi pick up his stuff. We walked back to Phoenix Drop. I saw Aphmau's light on at her house. Everyone's probably there now. I took Malachi to the door and knocked. Aphmau came to the door with tears on her cheeks.

"Malachi!" She yelled and knelt down. She hugged him and cried. Garroth came running from upstairs with Levin. "Malachi!" He joined Aphmau in the hugs. "Malachi don't you ever do that again!" Aphmau said wiping the tears from her eyes. Malachi didn't look happy or sad. He was just standing there.

Aphmau, Levin, and Malachi go back inside. Garroth walks up to me. "Thank you. Do you know hwy he ran away?" Garroth asks. "Uh. Yeah." "Well than tell me!" Garroth says. "He thinks you and Aphmau are keeping secrets and that you don't trust him or love him." Garroth looks shocked. "Why would he think that?" Garroth asks confused. "Because you... Because you're having another baby." I feel horrible saying this. Garroth's face makes me sad. "Oh. Well, thank you Dante. Would you like to come in?" Garroth asks. "No thanks. I've gotta go see Kawaii~Chan." Garroth grins and I run off to her house.

"Dante~Kun! Kawaii~Chan was so worried! Did anyone find Malachi~Kun?" "Yes, he's safe." She smiles and we go inside. Yay more wedding planning. Kawaii~Chan won't stop talking about cake. "Well Kawaii~Chan and Dante~Kun could have red velvet cake? Or Kawaii~Chan could make a vanilla cake with strawberry frosting or!" "Kawaii~Chan!" I stop her. "Yes Dante~Kun?" She looks confused. "We can have whatever cake you would like." I grab her hands and she smiles. "Does Dante~Kun really mean that?" She asks. "Yes. Any cake you want." I smile at her and she screams with excitement. Oh boy, what've I done!

I head home for the night and find myself staring at a wall. Random thoughts keep going through my head. Is Malachi okay? What are Aphmau and Garroth going to do about him? Am I ready to be married? How long should we be engaged for? Are we going to start a family? I think the wedding planning is stressing me out. I go back to staring at the wall but I hear a knock at my door. It's Dale. "Oh! Hi Dale!"
"Can I come in?"
"Of course!" I let him in and we sit on the couch. "So, how's the wedding planning?" He asks. "Ugh. It's so stressful!"
"Tell me about it! When Molly and I were engaged she was so excited about planning a wedding. It took her all day to decide on what color the flowers should be!"
"Oh no." I groan.
"What's wrong?"
"I told Kawaii~Chan I would take care of the centerpieces!"
"Okay, and?"
"And I didn't do that! She's gonna kill me! We're going to start ordering stuff and making trips to well, everywhere."
"Good luck! Anyways, that's not why I came here. Are you and Kawaii~ Chan going to be moving in together?"
"I don't know. I hadn't really thought about that."
"Well you should! You're not going to live apart after you're married are you?" He laughs.
"No, but how do I ask her?" Why are relationships so hard?!
"Just be like, hey wanna move in? That's what I did!"
"Okay! But where would we move in? There aren't any houses. Both of our homes aren't made for two people. Heck the two of us barely fit in here as it is!" I look around at the crammed room. The kitchen and living room are the same room and my fireplace has caught the couch on fire before they are so close together. My bedrooms pretty small too. A single bed and dresser crammed into the back wall. Kawaii~Chan's place isn't much different. "Then build yourself a house. Be a man!" Dale laughs and slaps me on the knee.

Dale finally leaves after we finish talking and I think for a while, Dale's right, we do need to move in at some point. And all this wedding planning has me exhausted. I fall asleep thinking about Kawaii~Chan. ❤️


Sorry I've been so slow to updating. My days are so hectic and busy lately! I'll try to get more updates out but I can't promise anything! I hope you're liking this and remember to give it a vote! Also leave a comment on what you thought!

Thanks for reading!
~Toyboy1234i 😜

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