Planning The New House

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Dante's POV

I started planning out the house with Cory and Dale the next morning. Kawaii~Chan and I spent a few hours cleaning her house last night. There was so much cake to get rid of! "So when's the wedding?" Dale asked. "It's uh. We don't know yet." We probably should figure out a wedding date soon. Everyone keeps asking. "Well you should figure it out. Then we'll have a deadline to finish this house." Cory says. "Here, is this a big enough kitchen for Kawaii~Chan?" Cory hands me a blueprint with a kitchen drawn on it. Everything Kawaii~Chan needs is in here. "Yeah! That looks great; she'll love it!" I say handing it back. I'm working on the blueprint for the bedrooms. Kawaii~Chan wanted two spare bedrooms. So I have three in total to design. Cory is working on the kitchen, and Dale is working on the dining room and living room. He keeps telling me to get new furniture too.

Most of the guys in Phoenix Drop said they'd help build the house. Cory, Logan, and I are going to get the materials tomorrow. Garroth and Laurance said they'd help build, so did Dale, Cory, and Logan. The house isn't going to be huge and it'll only be one story with a basement. The bedrooms will be in the basement as well as some storage. Then the kitchen, dining, and living rooms will all be on the main floor.

One week later

Cory, Logan, and I bought some materials for the house and we've started building it. The basement is being dug out by Laurance, Garroth, and Dale. They've already broken two shovels. Meanwhile, Cory and I have been building doors for the house and Logan has been working on some cabinets.

About noon, Kawaii~Chan and Kiki came over with some lunch. Kawaii~Chan had made some sandwiches and Kiki was carrying some milk from her barn. We all stopped working and ran over to them. "Kawaii~Chan thought you would be hungry so she brought you some food!" Kawaii~Chan says. "Thanks!" Garroth says taking a sandwich off of the plate. We all sit down and start eating our food. Kiki pours us each some milk and takes a sandwich. "Wow, you guys got a lot done in a week." Kiki says. She walks over to one of the finished doors leaning against the tree and knocks on it. "Yeah, we've been digging for hours." Laurance says biting into his sandwich. " You should've gotten Brendan! He would've helped." Kiki says. "Brendan was going to help but he got stuck in this mess with the chicken shaman and he's stuck there building his chicken houses.

"Ugh! I hate that guy." Aphmau comes up from behind me and I jump. She giggles, "Did I scare you?" "N-No!" I says. The other guys laugh. "Hi Aphmau~Senpai! Want a sandwich?" Kawaii~Chan asks offering the plate to her. "thanks!" Aphmau takes one and sits down on the ground. "Is everything okay with Malachi? I heard he ran away." Kiki asks. Aphmau sighs and says, "Yeah. He's better but he's still mad. I just don't know what to do." She leans her head on Garroth's shoulder and he blushes. "He's fine. We talked with him about everything and he's back to his normal self. He just gets a little mad whenever somebody mentions a baby. But kids will be kids." Garroth says. I think about how Malachi kept saying he's not a kid. But really he is. He was a ghost for so long and he never got to grow up. But after that potion incident with Zoey that turned him human he's started growing up just like any other kids.

We all finish our sandwiches and Kawaii~Chan and Kiki leave. Aphmau stays and wants to help build but Garroth wouldn't let her. "Why can't I help?" She asks him. "I just don't want you to hurt yourself." Garroth says. "You'll let me spare you with actual swords, but I can't pick up a hammer and nails?" Aphmau says. "Honey, you're pregnant. You need to rest." Garroth says. "Go home." "No! I wanna help!" Aphmau says grabbing a hammer. "Aphmau please." She starts walking backwards so she can still speak facing Garroth. "I'm just as capable to do this as you are! I'm not limited to anything! And you don't get to tell me what to do!" She seems proud of herself and turns around. I have no idea where she's going because she keeps walking towards the hole that Garroth is supposed to be helping dig. "Aphmau watch out! There's a-" Garroth tries to warn her but she screams and falls into where Laurance and Dale were digging. The hole is about eight feet deep and is almost finished. Garroth runs to the edge and jumps down. The rest of us follow him. Aphmau is sitting on the ground and Laurance is right by her side. "Aphmau are you okay?" Garroth asks. All six of us are sitting around Aphmau now. "I'm fine." She mumbles and starts to stand. She winces and falls again. Laurance catches her and helps her sit back down. "Are you hurt?" I ask. Her ankle definitely looks swollen. "I'll get Zoey." I say and climb the ladder out of the hole.

I hurry to Aphmau's house where Zoey is outside with Levin and Malachi. "Zoey we need your help." I say. Zoey looks up and comes over to me. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Aphmau fell into the hole where we were building and she can't stand." "Okay. Let me get some things and I'll meet you over there." Zoey goes inside and I head back to the build site. Aphmau is still sitting on the ground. "Aphmau what hurts? Anything but your ankle?" Garroth asks. "My ankle, and this arm." She raises her left arm. "Oh great." Garroth mutters. He notices me and asks where Zoey is. "She had to grab some things but she should be here soon.

Zoey arrives and sits next to Aphmau. She says that Aphmau only sprained her ankle but her arm was definitely broken. Garroth and Laurance work together to carry her up the ladder and out of the hole and then Garroth and Zoey go back home to fix Aphmau's arm. Then we all go back to work.

A/N - I hope you all enjoyed this extra long chapter! I couldn't stop writing! Also I am sorry for not updating this story! I lost track of time and totally forgot! Please give this a vote! Bye! ~Toyboy1234i <3

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