Zach Clayton

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This is for @lorinpeck

Lorin's POV
I was laying in my bed with my boyfriend Zach. We were watching Because of Winn Dixie (who has seen this movie) .
"Zach." I said making him turn over to look at me. "Why do you like me"? I ask him very curious.
"What do you mean"? He asked me very confused.
"Zach you can have any girl you want. I have read the comments that fans write and I know your fans would rather see you with Ariel." I say to Zach while he looks at me a little hurt.
"Lorin you are the prettiest, funniest, most creative girl  I know and wouldn't trade what we have for anything else in this world." He said.
"Really" I say tearing up a little.
"Yes really and as for Ariel me and her are just friends nothing more because I love you Lorin."
"I love you too" I say giving Zach a kiss.
"Now let's finish watching the movie." Zach as we go back to cuddling.

This is for @lorinpeck
Sorry it's short.
Hope you like it
Xoxo, Ari

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