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The phone didn't buzzed again after I left it on the nightstand. I was thinking thoughtfully about it. What does he want?  It's been quite some time since we graduated. What could he possibly want to see me for? Just as I was finishing my make up, someone was knocking the door. I looked at the time and figured we had somewhere to be. As I opened the door, the smell of his perfume went all around me. It always did. I can't help it, everything about this man is hypnotizing.

"Time to go" he said, smiling softly at me. I felt myself blush a little.

"Sure, right behind you"

He chuckled at my words and putted his arm across mine. His smile reminded me of what he said earlier and my insides were twisting at the thought of what could be. For the way he smiled when I said those words, I could tell it was something naughty. I blushed. You worthless virgin! I said to myself while were getting on the elevator. He let go of me to push the botton and then crossed his arms on his chest. He looked at me thoughtfully and I tried to look away so he wouldn't see that it made me feel joyfull

"You're a very beautiful woman, Camila" his voice wrapped me up with a silky feeling of weakness. Could he be saying the truth?

"Yeah, right" I said laughing. I've never considered myself slightly attractive. How could I? If I was always behind the shadow of beautiful, charming Yadi. They always thought about how beautiful she was never for a second considering me. But this time was different. This time, the handsome man thought I was beautiful. And I couldn't help but smile.

"You see? That smile means you're acknowledging it. Don't fight it, you're beautiful"

And my blushing and my virginity got even worst.

As we got into the car, someone called him. Great. He motioned me to get in and as he talked on the phone with his classy, seductive voice, I was trying to concentrate enough to read him out the list of topics they'll talk about on today's meeting. The representatives of a lot of wine companies from different countries are going to be there to discuss the exportation state and agreements. It's been a very busy week organizing the schedule and all for this meeting so after this I guess I can relax. But then I thought of the text from Andrew and relaxing seem impossible. I turned off my phone just in case.

As we got in the building, a french tall man received us. He greeted us and I responded for him. Gavi looked unsettled as I talked to the guy. He was giving him the eye the whole time. Jealousy? I thought about it and it made me smile. The fact that he was worrying so much made me feel warm. No one has ever feel jealousy for me. The guy guided us through the place until we got to the office the meeting was going. He smiled at me as we got in and I smiled him back. And Gavi still seemed upset about it.

The meeting lasted about 3 hours. All of them talked in English so there was no need for me to translate but I did had to keep some notes for him later. It was hard enough to write everything when they all talked so fast but Gavi made it harder. He started to stroke my leg with his under the table. He looked at me and smile. I felt my face hot and my blood race through my body. I think I know what he had planed from me. And whatever it is, I'm ready.

On our way to the hotel I couldn't help to notice that he was staring at me an awful lot.

"What you looking at?" I said in a teasing voice. This made him smile.

"You" his voice was soft

I looked down smiling. Don't blush again, you'll make a fool of yourself. "Why is that?" I asked still smiling.

He laughed a little bit before talking. "Cause back there in the office, you made me hard "

I laughed a lot about it. I was so nervous I couldn't control myself. "No way!" My laugh was loud and annoying but it was too hard to control.

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