Chapter 1: Birthday's and Phone Calls

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Hold up!

If you have not read the book before this one, titled "The Pariah" I strongly suggest you read that before you read this.

If you ignore my warning, that's fine. But it may be a little confusing to you, though I'll try to clear it up about what happened in the past with the main character. So I guess if you don't wanna read it, you don't have to. I'd just recommend it. 

Anywho, to those who have read it already, welcome back! 

Don't worry, this story is going to be much calmer, and much less tragic than the first. 

Also sorry for taking so long, I actually had this done a few days ago. But I've been Pokemon Go-ing the last few days. 

Go Team Mystic!


Ten years it's been. 

The last day I saw her was ten years ago, the very same day I died and came back. 

Now I live alone in this large house of mine. It's in a nice location, so that I can see everything as far as the eye can see. It's not a bad house either, but it's far too big for just a single person to live in. I wanted a smaller house, but being a therapist for Angels who have abnormalities meant that I needed a lot of space, so I got this place. 

I lean my hands on the railing of the balcony to look down at the prairie below. Not a single person for miles besides me. My neighbors wanted to be a bit closer to town than I did. I felt the seclusion would do good for my patients. 

A soft music plays in the background, adding to the whole peaceful scene around me. My head tilts back to catch a soft breeze, that smelled heavily of snow. My eyes close. 

There was a knock at my door and I turn, "Yes?" I call. 

The door opens up and my assistant, who acts more like an errand girl for me, steps inside. "You have a call in your office, ma'am." She fidgets nervously.

I nod once and head for the door. I head down the hall and step into my office, which is a small room, with a simple desk, a computer and very many books. Truth be told, I never really regard the books, I usually know what I'm doing. 

My phone is sitting on the desk, off the line. I pick it up and bring it to my ear. "This is Doctor Skies, how may I help you?"

"Hi, Doctor," a lady on the other line said. "I understand you work with abnormal Angels?"

"Yes, I do." 

"Well, my son... I think he's an abnormal. I don't know for sure, but when he sprouted his wing, about a month ago, he started to act... different." 

I reach for my pen and paper, pinning the phone against my shoulder and my cheek. "Different how? Can you explain?"

"He says he has visions," she explains. "When he goes to sleep, when he's awake. He says he keeps seeing things. And I believe him." She pauses, like she's doing something else while talking to me. "He knows things he shouldn't know about. Things we never told him." 

I nod my head as I quickly scribble down everything she's telling me. "I see. Well, if I could speak with your son in person, I will be able to determine if he's an abnormal Angel or not." 

"Fantastic," she says. "Can I come in tomorrow?" 

"If you know where the place is," I answer. 

The line goes dead. 


While I was seated in my office, going through some old files, and trying to sort them all out, Silent came to visit me. 

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