Chapter 12: Family Outings and Confessions

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Darius left once the weekend ended and it was just the four of us again. Just like it was before. It was around this time that things looked up for me. 

Koul had suggested that we get out of the house. Fletcher introduced the idea of ice skating down in the park. Myrina and I agreed, said it sounded like fun. So that's how the four of got to be skating around the ice during the late morning. I kept hold of Fletcher's hand as I taught him how to stay balanced. Myrina was at his other hand, and Koul was laughing behind us when one of us would slip up. 

It was truly one of the only moments that I felt at peace. Utterly, completely. I looked down at Fletcher and he looked back up at me, with the same blue eyes as his mother. 

"Watch out, kid, or else you'll fall." I say to him. 

But he just smiles, his kid-like toothy smile. "No, I won't. You'll catch me." 

My heart clenches. "Always, kid." 

We skated around the park with other civilians like us, looking to have a good time with their families. I skated off to the side, sitting down on one of the benches. Fletcher tugs on my arm to get me back up. "Hold on, kid. I'm tired. Go skate with Koul and your mom for a bit." 

He doesn't look happy about it, but he does what I say and joins Koul's side. She takes his hand so he won't fall and together, they begin to skate around the ice merrily. My eyes follow them, a small smile playing on my lips. I was so caught up on their forms skating around the ice rink I didn't see Myrina joining me until she speaks. 

"I wish Fletcher was like this all of the time," Myrina admits quietly. 

I turn to the woman who doesn't remember me at all. "What do you mean? He seemed like he was a very adventurous boy from the moment I met him." 

"Oh, he was, but he wasn't nearly as open as he is now. He used to be incredibly reserved, and quiet too. Even though he did get into a lot of trouble in his schools, he was always adamant to believe in his visions. But he wasn't open about them to other people. He never was until he came here."

"Does he tell you about them?"

"He doesn't hide them," she says, "but he doesn't talk to me about them, no. But I'm sure if I asked him now, he'd tell me. It's not like before." She peers over at me. "You're good for him."

I smiled softly, and turn back to the ice rink, where the small boy in question was skating ahead of Koul, while she tried to catch up, but ended up wind milling her arms comically, then ended up falling. 

"I always loved the name Erin," Myrina tells me, out of the blue. 

"Why is that?"

"I'm not sure. I remember when Fletcher was born, I had wanted to name him Erin. I told Darius that I loved the name and that it would be perfect to name him," she frowns suddenly, wiping away the fond smile she wore just a second ago. "He didn't think so. He got quite defensive and told me he didn't like the name. So I came up with Fletcher, but kept his middle name Erin." 

Goddamn Darius, I knew you were trouble the moment I laid eyes on you. "Do you know why you like the name so much?"

"Do you know why you like women as opposed to men? No? It's the same thing here. I don't know why I like it, I just do. Though, I was always very sad whenever I thought of the name. I never knew why, but sometimes, I'd end up sitting alone in my room, when Darius was away, and feel like I needed to be somewhere. Like I was missing something." 

I leaned back in my seat so I could look at her, make eye contact with her properly. "Do you feel that way still?" 

"Sometimes," she says quietly, staring down at the floor. "Sometimes it feels like there's still something missing." She looks over at me, away from the floor for the first time. A small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "You know, doc, I can't help but wonder if you're good for more than just one of us."

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