Chapter 1

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I don't know exactly why we are just sitting in this booth with no food, I mean this is a restaurant. Speaking of that where is everyone?

"Mommy I'm hungry!" I wiggle in my seat trying to get comfortable in the sit. "Mia just wait a little longer okay." Besides my friend Eva, my mom is the only person I talk to.

I don't see why we are in a empty Diner not eating it makes absolutely no sense, just then The bell of the diner snapped me out of my thoughts.

Someone in a mask sat in the booth and was soon joined by a woman who didn't look to happy to here. " grace why am I here?" the person with the mask on had a really soft and it kind of sounded mad.

" your here to meet your daughter Michael, or do you not have time for her either?" I could tell my mom was really mad...... wait a minute did she say DAUGHTER?!?  This can not be happening to me. I don't even know this man. " And if you don't believe me I got a DNA test and you call the doctor." by now the man had taken his mask and his eyes were big as he looked at the paper.

" But this is impossible we only-" 

"one time is all it takes." for the first time since he's been here he look over at me and our eyes meet. " whats your name sweetheart." he didn't take his eyes off of mine. " she doesn't really talk to people. Mia this is your dad Michael."

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