Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning and walked down the stairs to the kitchen. At the table was the wicked witch, Michael and of course Brooke, everyone smiled at me and waved at me, I have no idea why Tatiana smiled at me or why she's even here! I guess  she was to jealous to let Brooke even have a chance to get with my daddy.

I sat in my usual spot and again ate in an awkward silence. I heard a lit jingle as Brooke adjusted something on her wrist, she had on a silver bracelet with little charms on it, it kind of reminded me of the little necklace me mom has." Do you like it? my mom gave it to me when I was a baby." I was staring at the bracelet a little to long and I guess she noticed. 

" My mom gave me to my dad." I said with no emotion 

I ran out of the dinning room and up the stairs to my room, I slammed and locked it behind me, when I slammed it Ash jumped a little. I've never been this mad in me life, and yet I'm not really sure why I got mad in the first place. I jumped on the bed and cried into Ash's black fur. I sat there and I cried and cried, then I started to think. If Michael gets together with Brooke, how will I ever get my mom and Michael back together.

That's when it hit me, I hate Brooke.

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