Chapter 23

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I jumped out of the car and ran towards Mia. I was probably going to get mobbed by fans but I didn't care. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the car.

Mia's POV

Michael took my arm and dragged me into the car. I kicked and screamed shouting at him to let me go."MIA STOP!!!" He yelled. That was the first time he yelled at me you and could tell that he was angry. I don't know what happened but to start crying.

"Why did you leave? What did I do to make you leave? How coyld you send me to an orphanage and never come back!?!" It was all out there now it was nothing I could do to take it back.

"Mia what are you talking about? Your mother told me that you were with her and that tou were living with her." My eyes got wide. How Could my own mother do this to me? How could she send me away and lied to Michael about it.

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