Chapter 12

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I stared at her hand for a moment, "right you still a baby." she said and pulled her arm back. " Brooke this is Mia, Mia say hi to Brooke." I looked up at him and then at Brooke, she gave me a gentle smile as I waved at her.

It was kind of awkward  eating breakfast with two women, especially when Michael keeps looking at Brooke. I don't really know what she has that my mom doesn't. " So Brooke I heard your a model, so am I." All Tatiana did was brag after breakfast. I think she's jealous. Michael sat me on his lap and i looked over at Brooke. " Yeah I actually have to go in a few minutes." she said standing up from the couch. " oh well would you like to come back tomorrow we could all go on the rides?" She smiled and opened the door " see you tomorrow."

Michael turned around smiling only for us to meet an angry faced Tatiana. To be honest I was trying not to laugh, cause if you could see how they were looking at each other you would have been on the floor dying from laughter.

" I don't have time for you stupid remarks right now Tatiana!" Those two have been fighting for three hours and I am getting real tired of it. I walked out of my room and across the hallway to Michael's room.

I knocked on the door and I could hear him trying to quiet her down , the door slowly opened " is everything okay Princess?" Tatiana walked out of the room pushing Michael on purpose. " I can't sleep daddy." I could tell he was so happy that I talked to him and called him daddy, but I on the other hand was disappointed in myself I was suppose to hold out long than this, " come on you can sleep in my bed tonight."

I was almost asleep when I heard Michael's voice," God thank you for everything you have done for me, especially for bring Mia in my life. I love my daughter and I want to give her everything I have, please watch over her and make sure she's safe Amen."

Guys I cried a little at the end.

Should I start a blanket love story fanfic

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