Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

October 23

Day 25, Friday

Draco was dreaming, and under no circumstances whatsoever did he want to wake up.

There had been so many of these dreams, he thought dazedly. So many dreams where he was finally able to do everything he wanted with Potter, where they didn't have to stop because of his silly moral objections or fear of intimacy or whatever they were calling it at the moment. Dreams where there was only impulse, no control. Where they touched and held and stroked and melted into each other and gasped together and - Oh, no, he thought desperately, please don't let me wake up-

But it was too late, yet not a bad thing, he realized a few bewildering moments later, as he found himself waking up from a very good dream into an even better reality. Because Potter was all over him and murmuring into his ear, his voice husky and raw.

"Uhn-" Draco managed.

"I said, if this is payback for that other morning, you win," Potter said, exasperated, half-propped up on one elbow, his hands a little rough on Draco's shoulders, "You're driving me mental, wake up-"

"M'awake," Draco mumbled, pulling Potter closer. He gasped, feeling the hard heat of Potter's erection against his own, nothing but thin cotton between them. "God, yes, I'm awake," he drew in his breath shakily as Potter hesitated a split second, then pulled them closer so that they were fully pressed together, slipping one leg between Draco's, sliding an arm down to Draco's waist to hold him firmly in place.

They groaned together as the pressure built up, Potter's fingers digging painfully into Draco's back and Draco blindly mouthing Potter's neck as they thrust against one other, and Potter swore and Draco felt the tide rising and carrying him along, and Potter was so incredibly hot and his neck felt like silk under Draco's lips, and Potter's hand was stealing in under Draco's t-shirt, his fingers leaving trails of heat, and they were both so damn close so damn fast - and then Potter suddenly went very still and he felt Potter's orgasm spike through him before ever feeling Potter pulsing against him, and then he was climaxing so hard it felt like he was being torn apart, but in the very, very nicest way.

They were still gripping each other close. Draco could dimly feel Potter's heart racing, past the rush of his own heart loud in his ears. Then a wave of exhaustion swept through him and Potter's arms lost their iron grip and Potter sighed against Draco's neck, and Draco reflected that this might be the function of the post-sex lethargy: to not leave them energy enough to feel self-conscious. Because Potter hadn't wanted this kind of thing to happen yet, so very close to actual sex, and now it had. And Draco really couldn't deal with another one of Potter's existential crises right now, but that was fine, because it felt like Potter was going to go back to sleep instead.

Draco let his mind drift, vaguely noting that they were both rather damp from exertion, and that it was just fine with him. And that he was too bloody tired to even use the sheet-cleaning spell on them both, and that didn't matter either.


"Do you think there's still breakfast at the kitchens?" Potter asked, a long time later.

"If there isn't, you can always butter up Dobby."

Potter smiled, slowly sitting up. "So. Repeat of yesterday?"

"You mean, flying, picnic, and the list?"


"Yeah, but we'd better do more reading. I'm falling too far behind as it is."

"That's one of the list items anyway," Potter reminded him. "Study together. Although it didn't work out too well yesterday."

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