Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

February 18 - February 27

Day 143, Thursday

Pansy stomped down the corridor, fuming. What a rotten day. First, all her Potions notes for the day ruined by a stray drop of SpreadRot, and Millicent Bulstrode was going to be very, very unhappy if she couldn't come up with adequate compensation for it. Then that Hufflepuff prat Zacharias Smith had made her look like a fool in Runes, with Queenie's enthusiastic help. Then the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor had decided to shake things up and make "established groups" work with people they didn't work with very often, did a random match-up spell, and assigned Pansy and Draco to work with Potter, Weasley and Granger. On an assignment that required them to practice after class. For the rest of the week. Lovely.

The only thing that had gone right so far was that all classes on the third floor had been cancelled almost an hour early when a sixth-year had accidentally cast a Sonorus spell so powerful that it turned the entire floor into a cacophonous hell. Which was nice, as it let Pansy out of Slytherin's History of Magic and gave her twenty minutes of quiet study time before their stupid Defence group met in classroom 11.

It might not be that bad, she reflected as she approached the door. Pissed as she was at Draco for wanting to be around Potter again in the first place, this would at least be a chance for the two of them to be together without having to watch to make sure they didn't tip anybody off about their renewed relationship.

Weasley and Granger, happily, weren't annoyingly Hufflepuffledy pleased with Draco and Potter's little fling; in fact, they were both a little worried. Though Granger had awkwardly started to say something the other day, about how it was understandable that Potter would want to go back to Draco, as he "hadn't been raised with enough physical affection", and was thus "only naturally drawn back to the only relationship where he'd had-" before Pansy had (very politely, too) asked her to please keep her Muggle-born ideas to herself and just concentrate on helping them both get this out of their systems with no one the wiser.

Get it out of their systems, my foot, Pansy huffed to herself. Draco wasn't getting anything out of his system. He was too bloody cheery for a boy having one last fling. Stupid fool actually looked content. With Potter. If it hadn't been for the identity of the person he was with, and the nervous wreck he was making of Pansy, she would've been happy for him too.

And now they were all supposed to work together. Until Monday. She pushed open the door into the small storage area assigned to the Defence classroom, thinking her day couldn't possibly get worse, then opened the door into the classroom proper and stopped short.

Her day just had.

Draco and Potter were intertwined on a chair, Potter straddling Draco and their lips working together hungrily, shirts unbuttoned halfway down, Potter's red and gold tie over Draco's shoulder, Potter's fingers in Draco's hair. Draco pressing himself up into Potter's embrace, tilting his head back, groaning as Potter's mouth moved down his throat. Evidently too engrossed in one another to have heard Pansy, or to notice her where she stood, just a few feet away from them in the shadow of the storage area.

And oh god, that was something Pansy did not need to see, Potter gliding his hands down and undoing Draco's trouser button and zip, and Draco hissing his approval, breath speeding up, eagerly returning the favour, slipping a hand into Potter's trousers.

Oh, shit, this was just - arg! Pansy stifled a squeak as Potter quickly slid down and knelt before the chair, and Draco shifted a bit and choked back a cry and - Pansy's view was blocked by a desk so she couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but from Draco's strangled moans and the arch of his neck and the way his eyes closed in delight, it was pretty damned obvious, and it was-

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