Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

October 24

Day 26, Saturday

"-told you, it's nothing-" Malfoy said, and Harry turned around, startled, as the privacy curtain swished open. Pomfrey was staring at Harry, an unreadable expression on her face.

"...yes?" he asked, when she'd been staring at him long enough to make him uncomfortable.

"Madam Pomfrey, it's all right," Malfoy said, coming out from behind the partition, holding his shirt in one hand, extremely annoyed. "He didn't hurt me."

"What?" Harry asked, baffled. "Hurt you?"

"She's 'concerned' about the bruises," Malfoy muttered, annoyed.

"What brui - oh. Oh." Harry felt himself turn crimson. It was amazing, he thought, just when it seemed like their situation couldn't possibly get any more embarrassing, it went and did.

"Yes, oh," Pomfrey said neutrally. "Mr. Malfoy insists that nothing serious happened. Nevertheless, I'm going to call Healer Esposito."

"For a few love-bites?" Malfoy was incredulous.

Harry cringed in his chair. In the bright light of the infirmary, Malfoy's neck did look rather... abused.

"Not just a few love-bites. Your back looks like you went a few rounds with an angry Veela."

"What?" Harry was puzzled. "I didn't scratch his back-"

"Not you, Potter, the bloody tree you were pushing me up against yesterday," Malfoy snapped. "She's got her knickers in a twist because-"

"Because we need to monitor you to make sure you don't hurt each other, Mr. Malfoy," Pomfrey said brusquely.

"It just got a little rough, that's all, it was all consensual-"

"And if this were an ordinary relationship that might be nobody's business but your own. But with your history, we're a little cautious about letting you two maul one another-"

"He didn't maul me-"

"I didn't-" Harry began, and Pomfrey gestured to him to come around behind Malfoy. Harry looked at Malfoy's back and gasped.

"Oh my god-" he said. "I'd no idea - Malfoy, why didn't you say-"

"Because I didn't mind, you git. I hardly even felt it. I'm not a girl, Potter, you don't have to treat me like I'm going to break. Believe me, if I don't like what you're doing, I'll tell you."


"I am calling Healer Esposito," Pomfrey said firmly. She started to bustle off, then turned around, obviously not sure she should leave them alone together.

"Oh for god's sake," Malfoy snapped, "we won't jump on each other in the time it takes you to contact the Healer. Look, Potter'll keep his troll-man hands to himself on that bed, and I'll sit here on my tuffet eating curds and whey and stay far away from the big scary Gryffindor."

Harry ducked his head, profoundly embarrassed, as Pomfrey gave them another hard stare and went into her office.

"Merlin, this is ridiculous," Malfoy muttered.

Harry chewed on his lip, wondering if it was actually possible to get sunburn from blushing too hard.

"Oh, bloody hell, Potter, you're not actually thinking - yeah, you are." Malfoy threw his shirt back on and started to button up. "You didn't hurt me, you silly git," he said, exasperated.

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