Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

October 29 - October 31

Day 31, Thursday (morning)

Harry watched the slow rise and fall of Malfoy's chest and wondered if they were ever going to speak to each other again. He decided it didn't really matter.

He'd drifted up from a deep sleep and lain in a half-awake state for what seemed like hours thinking of nothing but the softness of the sheets and the warmth of the back of Malfoy's neck against his face as they lay spooned together, and the scents of honey, sweat, sex, and Malfoy's hair. Smelled like... jasmine, maybe? Some pleasant-smelling herb, anyway. Felt soft, too, and very fine. He'd blown on it gently, feeling it flutter against his lips, and sensed Malfoy slowly waking up but only opened his eyes when Malfoy turned onto his back. Malfoy had smiled sleepily and touched Harry's lips briefly with his fingers before sighing and closing his eyes again, one hand resting on Harry's thigh, fingertips absently moving in small slow patterns over his skin.

It was still early enough for them to make it to breakfast if they hurried. But Harry knew he didn't have the energy to get out of bed at all right now, let alone walk all the way to the Great Hall. He wasn't hungry either. And apparently, neither was Malfoy. So they lay next to each other, unmoving except for Malfoy's fingers, their breathing the only sound in the room.

A long time later, Harry glanced at the clock again. They had missed breakfast. And if they didn't get out of bed in the next ten minutes, they might not make it to Transfiguration on time. He sighed and slowly sat up, and Malfoy rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath, gathering his strength. Slowly sat up, and winced slightly.

Harry touched his shoulder, raising his eyebrows, and Malfoy gave him a small smile and shook his head, dismissing Harry's concern as he slowly stretched and got out of bed. Harry frowned as he watched Malfoy getting dressed and ready to go. Malfoy moved like he had to push himself to not just lie back down and go back to sleep. And, judging from his slightly worried frowns at Harry every so often, Harry probably looked pretty similar.

Transfiguration. That was the only thing that mattered. Getting to the class, and getting there on time. Not because they were afraid of losing points or getting another detention, but because the alternative was just lying down and giving in to their exhaustion.


McGonagall looked up at the slight murmur that ran around the classroom as they walked in, and immediately beckoned them over to her desk. Harry frowned in puzzlement; they weren't late. They'd barely made it, but they weren't late.

"Potter, Malfoy, Madam Pomfrey would like you two to go to the hospital. There are two Aurors that would like to talk to you."

"Aurors?" Malfoy repeated, and Harry realized that was the first thing either of them had said all morning. "Why-"

"I don't know, Mr. Malfoy. Now, run along and don't keep them waiting; they've been here since breakfast."

"Aurors," Harry said as they wearily trudged over to the hospital wing. "What for? Madam Pantere already talked to us about where the curse was set and what was going on when we walked through it; what else would they want to know?"

"Maybe get more details of the tiredness and all that," Malfoy said, rubbing his eyes. "Now that they're worried about this being something designed to hurt us."

"Malfoy... are you all right?"

"What? Yeah. Why?"

"You look terrible."

"Might not have had enough sleep last night," Malfoy sounded like he was going for dry humour but not quite making it.

"That's not it."

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