Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

November 6 - November 23

Day 39, Friday

Somebody was moving. Hermione raised her heavy head, blearily looking towards the bed.

Harry sighed in his sleep, turned onto his side, and was still again, his brow furrowing slightly for a moment before smoothing out. Beside him, Malfoy stirred but remained asleep as well.

Hermione lay her head back on her chair, grateful that unlike Muggle bedside vigils, wizard vigils were made a little easier by the simple expedience of being able to transfigure the seats into whatever you needed to remain comfortable - or to sleep, in Ron and Narcissa Malfoy's cases.

Only Hermione and Lucius remained awake - Hermione because she was still frazzled by the events of the last few days and the aftermath of the healing spell, and Lucius for unknown reasons of his own. They didn't need to be awake. They didn't even need to be here. Esposito was keeping watch over Harry and Malfoy and she would be sure to get them when either of them woke up.

It was a question of when, and not if, Hermione repeated to herself. Still not quite able to believe it. She probably wouldn't until she saw them both up and back to themselves.

Malfoy stirred, turned onto his side and put his arm over Harry, tucking himself around Harry as Harry murmured something and settled into his embrace.

The members of the circle had remained in the large Astronomy Tower room for some time after the spell-casting, recovering and conversing in low voices while Esposito and the other Healers hovered over Harry and Malfoy. At one point Esposito had looked up and motioned to Hermione to move closer. Started to point something out to her, then stopped herself and called Narcissa over as well.

"Mrs. Malfoy, I'm showing Miss Granger this because she has expressed an interest and an affinity for Healing, but you should also see it. These are lines of power here, here, and here." She pointed to faint glowing lines that the Healers had created on Harry and Malfoy's bodies, near centres of magic: hands, heart, temples. "Miss Granger, you may remember they were looking dull and sluggish, showing a dampening down of their Life magic. They are now running relatively bright and clear."

Narcissa had stared at the glowing lines. "Does... does that mean it worked?"

"We believe so, yes."

"When will they wake up?"

"They'll need to sleep for a while. But this a natural sleep, resting them instead of draining them. They should be awake in a few hours."

Even though Esposito had only been speaking to the two of them, their relief had spread instantly through the room. Narcissa stared at her son for a long time before turning and very calmly walking back to Lucius, who led her into the small office adjoining the room. The others talked quietly amongst themselves, exchanging a few hugs and smiles. The Malfoys returned about ten minutes later, and although both looked quite composed, Narcissa's slightly reddened eyes and roughened voice indicated that she'd probably had a bit of a breakdown in private. She and Lucius formally thanked all the members of the circle for having taken part in it, reserving their warmest thanks for Snape, Zabini and Parkinson, and one by one the others took their leave until only Hermione, Ron, and the Malfoys remained. They'd fallen into an uneasy silent truce, taking their seats on opposite sides of the bed and settling in for the night.

Hermione glanced up as there was another movement from the bed. Harry, turning onto his back. She held her breath as his eyes opened and he stared at the ceiling.

"Malfoy?" he whispered.

Malfoy's eyes blinked open and he made a low sound in his throat. Harry turned to him and their eyes met for a long moment, then Malfoy slowly lifted his hand and brushed Harry's hair back from his face.

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