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Remember those days where we were young and naïf.

We would wonder about the stupidest things in life.

We would think about what kind of superpowers we want.

Everyone had their own power and no one could have the same as someone else.

Some of us said flying, being super strong, laser eyes,

But also being invisible.

Well let me tell you that being invisible is the worst superpower ever.

You're just hiding yourself in the corners of the rooms. Hoping no one would see you.

Acting like you're part of the wall and the rest of the room.

When you finally are able to do that,

People will start not noticing you.

Not missing you.

Not seeing you.

Walking through you.

Forgetting you.

The last one is the worst.

When people don't even know you're alive. Forgetting you're also in the room, part of the crowd.

You just die inside.

Wanting to scream:"I'm here!"

But the thing is, no one heard you.

You break each day a little more.

You're transparent for the others.

You're cut out of the picture.

You're not there.

I'm invisible.

Please. Hear me.

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