To all of you guys and girls

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Everyone has their own book, it's unfinished, even tough you feel sometimes like you need to end it now.

Or maybe you call it a song and you need to choose if you want your song to sound happy and relieving or sad and depressing.

I've said this earlier in one of my little stories, poems, whatever you want to call it.

Now I want to make a poem, story, message to you out there.

My life isn't really a lot of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns. I've been through a lot of tough times. Where I just wanted to end my story with one black page with a cross on it, but what would that help?

It's like being sick and having someone you love always beside you, but because of that he or she gets also sick, while you die. The story will just repeat that way. Or like a book without an ending. You just don't know what to do with it, now do you?

You can't just end your life like that because it's not the way you expected it to be.

So every time my day isn't the way I want it to be, I just cry. Cry, vent, write and feel sick of myself and this life.

Really, I don't feel like lying to anyone out there about this. I'm not going to say that whenever my day sucks, I'm going to make my own sunshine of smile or whatever kind of lie.

But I'm not going to feel like this all the time because then you let your past rule you and choose your path.

Is that what you want?

Someone has bullied you, so know he's going to choose which way you're going. That isn't the way of thinking.

One of my idols or whatever you want to call it said to his fans: "Stay positive. Cut negative out of your life." Because all the negative from the past will never be removed. It happened, you felt f*cked up. Done. You can't change it. Trust me. I've tried it many times, but with no success.

Of course you can cry about it, be angry about it, but don't let it rule your life.

The only thing you can change is your future.

Dream, hope, wish, ask, beg, anything.

Just hold on.

The storm will go away one day, but you also need to do something, because if you won't, you will get hurt anyway.

Of course you can't do all this on your own, even when you want to. I know you want to fight your own battle, but let others help, because every soldier has his team and so do you, maybe you don't see them right now because they're hiding in the bushes just like the soldiers, but your own team will show up when you need them because they know. So stop shooting on your own team, thinking you help them by not hurting them with your feeling and stories, because this hurts them even more. It happened so many times to me. I thought I tried to save them from myself, yet I was only hurting them even more.

So let them help you because your real team would do that for you.

So feel sad, feel f*cked, hate it, be angry, but after that be happy, smile, sing, dance and live.

Because you won't get 'Today' back. Use it wisely.

Even tough my life has been depressing and horrible the last few weeks, months or years.

I'm still here and so are you, so lets keep it that way.

I love every single one of you.

For being here with me, and with the rest of the world.

Smile now and go do something you've always wanted to do.

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