Taka's Stuttering Tour

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~Death's pov~

Taka slowly turned his attention to the front of the class. I can see he had goosebumps all over from me blowing on the back of his neck. I chuckle softly to myself as I keep my eyes on him.

I'm sure he figured out that I can see other people's death dates just like him. I probably did give it away when I mouthed his name outloud but I couldn't help it. His name just had to be said outloud. Taka Smith. Gotta nice ring to it don't 'cha think?

After class, I watch Taka pack his things into his bag. His short, light brown hair is an absolute mess now because of how many times he ran his hand back and forth over his hair. He has his pencil crammed between his head and ear, his bag filled with notebooks that were falling apart, papers wrinkled, ripped and stuffed between page of school books and journals and the same went with his arms. He's a hard working straight A+ student. I can tell.

I notice a few girls making their way up to me, giggling and about to talk to me but I'm not paying attention. I'm more focused on Taka who is slowly getting out of his seat.

"E-Excuse me, Fang Maxwell?" The girl said, using the alias I used to attend this school. What?  I'm not gonna use my real name,  that would give too much away and my lord would not be happy. "I'm Titania Silver and this is my sister, Daisy Silver. We were wondering if we could show you around the school." Titania said. I look at her and notice her death date was in a few weeks, her sister's was in twenty eight years. I smile to myself and change the subject on purpose.

"What can you tell me about him?" I ask, pointing to Taka, not answering her question which made her death date a week closer.

"Who Taka? No one knows him that well. He's that guy that everyone pays to tell them how they die and when because so far he's been right about them all. Of course I haven't talked to him because I know how in going to die. Of old age and in my sleep." She says in a matter-of-fact kind of a tone. I chuckle because that wasn't how she was going. No, before I ignored her question it was going to be of a heart attack from maybe a break up or whatever but after she talked to me...car crash.

"I see. That's very interesting." I say. She was about to speak but I stop her. "Just so you know, I'm not going to be dating you nor your blonde sister here. I'm gay." I say in my own matter-of-fact voice. Her date dropped to three days from now and her sister's was ticking down by the minutes. I smile, grab the bag I brought and push pass the dying girls to catch up with Taka who's halfway down the hall.

"Hey Taka wait up." I call out. Taka jumps a bit at the sound of my voice and looks over his shoulder to look at me. I drew closer, approching him in meer seconds due to my long legs. "You said you were going to give me tour of the school." I remind him. He blushed a dark red and turns away.

"O-oh yeah...w-well let's go." Taka stuttered.

We walk together, Taka stuttering away as he gave the tour. It's hilarious and kind of cute to watch. I actually already know the whole school like I know my job but it's fun being around him, toying with him. I'm glad I came to this school to look for the new reaper that was born. I almost past it and missed him if I hadn't seen him pass by me on his way to school.

After the tour, it's about 3:07, three minutes till being dismissed

"Well...I have to go now...my family will be expecting chores done before getting home." Taka said. He bows and quickly left. He was strange. He mostly stared at my human form instead of my name which was new for a new reaper but I don't actually care that much.

I decide I wasn't done playing with him just yet so I follow him to his work, wait seven hours before following him home at a good distance. I know, I know. It's creepy but I can't help myself. He's just so irresistible.

I don't have to worry about him seeing me, I'm sure he hasn't learned his powers yet so I'm okay.

I follow him all the way out to the very edge of the city where his large mansion stood. He went inside and I wait a while. I'm a reaper not Superman. I can't see through walls.

After a few hours, his bedroom light came on and at that moment I move from the ground up to a roof that put me at eye level with his room. He strips all the way down into his boxers and gets in bed before turning off the lights.

I wait until I know he's asleep before I slip into his room, stop it I know it's weird, and get into his dream, which isn't easy with any reaper. His is harder. He's mind is nothing but school and death dates but I finally get in.

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