Taking Taka Home

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~Taka's pov~

The last bell rang, dismissing all the students and I was finally able to leave the nurse's office. I wasn't too happy at the moment because I fell asleep after Fang left and when I woke up, my bag was gone. On top of that I'll have twice the amount of homework Monday so I'll probably be up when dad and Todd get home. I storm out of the nurse's office ready to hunt down my bag but the moment I opened the door, I saw Fang fast asleep on the bench across the nurse's office, both our bags beside him and all our school books on his lap. His grip on all of our belongings was tight as if to protect them from being stolen but he was so huge that no one dared even getting close to him. I stare at him for a moment then watch people pass by him quickly. My rage went away and I slowly came up to Fang, placing my hand on his shoulder. My hand was like a mouse's to his huge shoulder.

"Fang... wake up." I said to him softly. His gourgious purple eyes opened up and batted at the bright light. It was only now that I realized how long his eyelashes were. I lost myself in his eyes, his long eyelashes flapping line wings when he blinked.

"Taka...?" He asked still half asleep then opened his eyes a little more and sat up realizing I was really there. "Are you able to go home now?" He asked me. I give a nod to him.

"Why did you take my bag?" I asked him still a little mad about him taking my bag. He looked at the bag then back at me.

"I took it so I could put all your homework in it so you don't have to get it all Monday and loose any sleep." He said as he stood up pulling his bag on his back and mine on his side then uses one of his incredibly strong arms to hold all of our books. I blush at his kindness, which normally wouldn't come from someone with a name like Death, and look away a bit. I snap out of it after a while and go to grab my bag from him but he turned a bit so it was out of his reach.

"I'll carry it for you." He said softly. I blush even more.

"S-so you're walking me home?" I asked him and then felt like a complete moron because OBVIOUSLY he was walking me home. 'God I'm a fucking moron...' I thought to myself. Fang chuckled at me.

"Yes I'm walking you home. If you want I can can stay at your place so we can study and I can help you on your homework." Fang said as he started walking without really letting me argue. I follow him quickly and keep trying to take my bag from him. He kept laughing at me and dodging so I couldn't get it. If we were ever in a relationship, not that he would want that or anything because I'm probably the only one out of us two who is gay, he would definitely be the man of the relationship.

~Death's pov~

Me and Taka were walking to McDonald's where Taka worked. I was to sit and wait as he worked though I was to watch over him to make sure he was fine. I would read and write as I waited and ordered a few things and on his breaks I would help him with his homework and make sure he was okay. Taka seemed to always have a red face when I was close to him and when I asked him if he was okay. I found it rather cute when I saw him blush.

After Taka got off work we walked all the way to his house. Apparently his mother saw us coming towards the house because the door opened and a woman came running out.

"Taka! Who's this handsome young man that you've brought?" She cried as she examined me, turning me around to look at me.

"This is Fang Maxwell. He's a friend from school." Taka said. His mother was now behind me.

"He has a nice butt." She says with a giggle and pats my butt. I jump a bit and felt my face burn up and so did Taka's.

"Mother!" Taka cried, horrified and embarrassed. His face grew into a bright red as his mother giggles.

"I'm sorry Taka. I can't help myself. You hardly ever have friends over." She says with a smile as she turns to me. "Will you be staying for dinner?"

"Actually I alwas going to be staying the night if that is okay with you Mrs. Smith." I said. Taka looked at me with a darker blush, since he didn't get much say on the sleepover, however his mother cries out in joy.

"Absolutely! You can come over whenever you want, as long as you want." She says, letting us both in.

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