Now i see...(Princeton)

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Y/N=your name


   Today is Princeton's birthday and I'm hoping i can give him the best birthday ever. We have been been dating four 4 years now and every year something bad happens on his birthday. But this birthday is going to be the best i hope. It's not a surprise since he doesn't like surprises. I have his birthday planned out by the minute. For breakfast i will serve him in bed. He is going to be having bacon, waffles, eggs, orange juice, and scones. That is his favorite. After breakfast we will go out and chill at an arcade with his friends and some of mine. When that is over we will have lunch at the cafe' next to the arcade. Me and some of our friends will go home and get his party ready for him while him and some of  our friends go out and do what ever they choose. He will then come home at exactly 6:00 and we will get the whole party started!!

    "Y/n i love you!" Prince said as i took his breakfast tray away from him. " I love you too" i said as i pecked his lips. He looks so cute in the morning. His afro is all messed up and his eyes look tired, but his voice sounds so deep. His voice in the morning as always made me shiver for some reason. I smiled at how cute he looks and walk out the room with his tray.

   I walked over to the kitchen and wash the dishes. We live in a small penthhouse so we only have one floor but an amazing view of the city. I went upstairs and got dressed into some comfortable clothes. I already took a shower so i was the one ready first. That usually never happens. Prince came out of the bathroom hair and body wet with his lower half  covered by the towel. He might not be the most toned and buff guy out there but there is no doubt he is sexy!! I look away to avoid the thoughts going through my head.

   "I see you are already dressed." he said as he put his underwear on. 'Stay focused Y/n. STAY FOCUSED!!' I thought as i saw his sexy body, too bad we can't get it in. "Yep, I took a shower while you were sleeping" i said. "Oh." he replied as he applied lotion to his skin (I'm listening to "skin" right now so i'm i  the mood for a sex imagine! but keeping it PG) I got up and went over to the closet to choose a pair of shoes. I chose my red vans to go along with my Mickey mouse T-shirt and black skiny jeans. By now Princeton was already dressed and ready to leave and so was I.

   We left the penthhouse  and went to our seperate cars since we would be separating after lunch. we drove for about 15 mins and arrived at the arcade. We were greeted my our friends. "Hey guys!" said Prodigy while dapping prine off and giving me a hug "hey!" Prince and i said at the same time. Our other friends hugged me and dapped Prince off. We walked into the arcade.

  Me an my girlfriends played all the dancing games while Prince and his friends played... I don't even know what the were playing.



 "Where is the cake?!" i asked frantically.

"I don't know"  Everyone said. Ugh!! how the hell do you lose a cake as big as the world-not literally. "Did the bakery call?!" i asked. " Yes they did" Deja said (random name) " they said they will be here at 7:00" deja continued. " But that's an hour after the party starts!" i semi-yelled. " Don't worry Y/n, it will work out" Sammy told me . She is always looking on the brightside. I sighed and went back to fixing the snacks.

  It is now 5:45 and everything is in place except for the cake!! Prince is gonna be so mad! I sat down by the table and waited for everyone to arrive. Time passed by quickly because before you know it people were coming in with gifts and bright smiles. I put a brave smile on and greeted everyone trying to hide the fact that i was freaking out on the inside.

  At exactly 6:00 Prince came home exactly as i thought. He came in with Ray, Prodigy, Roc and Issa. I walked over to them and greeted them with snacks since they were probably starving.

  "Hey babe!" Prince said while giving me a long passionate kiss ."Oooo!!! Get it Prince!!" His friends cooed. I pulled away and blushed and went back to serving snacks. After everyone was somewhat satisfied food wise i sat down around the table and looked at my phone for the time. It said 7:03! I know they are only 3 minutes late but this seriously means alot to me. "What's wrong" Prince asked behind me making me jump at how sudden he came up tom me. "Prince you scared me" I said clutching my chest. He chuckled and said" I'm sorry, but what is wrong?" he said. I sighed  and replied " The cake has not arrived yet" he looked at me and started laughing.

  "Why are you lauging?!" I said on the verge of tears. I really dislike getting laughed at especially while under pressure, I just kind of break down. He stopped and looked at me and his amused face then turned into a face of concern."Why are you crying?" he asked as a tear slipped down my cheek. " I don't know" i reply.

  He cupped my face into his hands and kissed me with the most passionate kiss ever. "It doesn't matter wether or not we have ckae" he said " it doesnt ?" i asked while looking down. "No it doesn't. All that matters is that you are here with me and will always be by my side" he said lifting my face up so i could look into his eyes. I couldn't speal so i  stood there quiet while looking into his eyes. He let go of my face and went on his knees . OMFG is he going to propose!!!

  "Y/n i have been with you for four years now and you have been by my side through thick and thin. I love with all my heart and soul. I know our relationship hasn't been a fairy tale. I know we have our differences. All that matters is that we love each other. And Y/n I LOVE YOU!!" he said as he pulled a ring out of his Jacket."Y/n will you marry me?" after he said those words i blacked out


  I woke up in a hospital room with all my friends and Family surrounding me.My head was hurting and felt as if it was swollen. " What happened?" i asked barely awake. Everyone's eyes watched me. "You passed out" Prince said while holding my hand and kissing it. "D-did you propose?!" i asked. he chuckled and replied "Yes! and you blacked out right after i did!" i smiled and giggled at the thought that him proposing caused me to black out.

  " How long have I been out?" i asked. "2 weeks" sammy replied. Damn i have been gone for 2 weeks. "Oh My!!" i said. " You still have not answered my question!" Prince said. I smiled and said "Yes!!" he jumped up doing his 'happy dance' and slid the ring on my finger. " Hello Mrs.Perez" he said " Hello Mr. Perez!" i said. He bent down and kissed me and whispered "I love you" in my ear.


This almost made me cry and i wrote it!! Well you know vote, comment and send me request!

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