Battlefield{Ray Ray}

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This imagine is inspired by the song "Battlefield" By Jordin sparks. It just came to me one night and I hope ya'll like it.


 I am engaged to Rayan Lopez aka Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior. You might think I am lucky. Am I right? I mean I have the looks the money and Ray. But you are wrong? Our life has been nothing but a battlefield. I love him and he loves me. At least I think he loves me.

  He isn't marrying me because he wants to it's because he has to. His father and my father made a deal years before Ray and I were born. In that deal we have to marry each other and bear children. Why they made this deal? I do not know. The would be reversed but the thing is my dad died a few years ago before the deal resurfaced. He died of colon cancer. It was a very sad day for our family but we have all moved pass those days.

   I am in love with Ray. I always have and always will be. I used to see him on T.V. and wish one day I would be his "Mrs.Right". Now I have the chance to be just that. I love his eyes, they are the most beautiful things on this planet. I love his hair, how it flows and takes on a life of his own. I love his smile even though some people might say it is ugly to me it is truly the most warming smile I have ever seen. I love his goofy Laugh, it never fails to brighten my day. I even love his feet, even though they throw up gang signs! I truly love everything about him.

  Ray on the other hand does not feel the same about me. He leaves me at home and goes out on dates with random girls all the time. I have told him about my deep feelings for him but for some reason he is disgusted by them. I am not sure what I did to him but he doesn't feel the same way. I try to get him to love me. I cook, I clean, I wash and I iron his clothes for him. When he needs something I am always here but of course he takes me for granted.

 I am not used to being used by a guy and getting walked on as if I am their doormats. I have always been the outspoken, smart bad ass that no one could phase. That was until I found out about the deal. I was happy when I had first found out but after a while I realized he was just being forced to marry me and there was nothing I could do to change that.

  It is like a fairy tale actually, the love struck girl and the free spirited boy forced upon each other but are soon to find love. Except this fairy tale is not going to have a good ending. I mean who am I kidding? He doesn't even give me the time of day. Why would I even think he would start to develop feelings for me? I was being stupid of course. My mom always told me to stop dreaming about such things. Did I listen to her? No I went ahead and did my own thing. Sometimes it pays to listen.

 Ray and I have been engaged for 5 years now. Yes I did say 5 years. He keeps putting it off. "I am waiting for the right time to marry you." He would always say or "I need the perfect moment to marry the perfect girl" and of course I would be too busy blushing and giggling to see the truth. I do not think I can wait any longer with him. He has to hurry up before I decide on getting his grandparents involved.

  His grandparents aren't exactly the nice, sweet little old people. They are the ring leaders in a huge mafia operation. His family is really messed up, so is mines. I think we are being forced to get married because of the mafia. I do not dare ask though. I value my life alot thank you very much. If I was supposed to tell his grandparents what he is up to some one he cares about will die. I am a nice person and I do not want to see anyone get hurt so I'm just gonna keep this to myself.

 Today I am going to get this situation together and teach him not to walk over me. I know I sound a little crazy but bear with me. I have a plan. Ok you see the next time he leaves I am going to f-

 "Hey, Y/N baby can you make me and my friends over here some food?" Ray asked, as he burst into the door with Craig, Chresanto, Jacob and a bunch of girls I have never seen. There was 4 girls and only 3 of  the guys could be dating them so one must've. . . NO! Think happy good thoughts.

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