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It's finally the last day of training. I didn't enjoy training one bit. Once that I found out that i was training in the intelligence category, I knew I was screwed. I need to train more in strength. Most other guys at my age are much more muscular and stronger than me. But instead of trying to get stronger, I have the one category that I am already pretty skilled in...intelligence. I know right away that the training for me was going to be simple. Well, I thought it was going to be simple. Once I got there, I realized just how complex and hard my training was going to actually be. 

I start training and catch some glances from the other four tributes that are also working on this skill. I recognize one as my district partner. The others are from districts three, four, and ten. 

I start the beginning of the end of my training. I go up to a person who starts talking about psychological things. The first thing I actually start listening to is how to lie successfully and tell if someone lies. 

The first way to tell if someone is lying is if there is an unnatural pause after asking them a question that should have an immediate answer. The next is someone covers their mouth or eyes and clear their throats or swallow a lot. The final thing that I learned about is if the person touches their face or hair excessively.

My trainer keeps talking and talking using words that I have never heard  before. Taking all this information in at one time is overwhelming. I stop listening until I feel someone tapping my arm.

"Did you hear me? I want you to say two sentences about yourself. One should be the truth and the other sentence should be a lie, okay?" My trainer says.

"Uh, yeah sure." I respond hoping to get it right. "I have only one parent. I have no siblings."

"Good. I honestly couldn't tell which sentence was lie so you must be doing something right. Now for the harder part." My trainer responds.

For the next hour or so we go over different techniques of how to manipulate someone and how to play mind games with people. The only thing that really stuck with me is getting someone to agree with you no matter what.

I walk away from my training to go to my room. My final training was over and I could taste the games that's how close we are. All that is left is the dreadful interview, which I am pretty sure I will fail since I am so awkward. My only hope of getting a sponsor is if they were impressed with my training. It's not like having a sponsor would change anything because I know that I am going to die, it's just a matter of when.

73rd Annual Hunger Games: Sebastian HartWhere stories live. Discover now