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The next morning I get up and meet with my stylist. He slicks back my hair and picks out a yellow and black suit for me to wear.  I honestly think I look like a bumblebee, but my stylist assures me I don't.  I start to mentally prepare myself for my interview. Not being a social person is really going to affect how awkward I will be during the interview.

I walk to the side of the stage waiting for some other tribute to get done. I finally calm my nerves right when my name is called to go on stage. I walk on stage and sit in the empty chair.

"Welcome Sebastian!" Zane the announcer says too enthusiastically.  

"Hello, it is a pleasure to be here." I respond.

"So let's get right to it. What do you think is your most reliable strength?"

"Probably my knife fighting skills." No reaction from the audience. I need to start sucking up more.

"And what about your worse weakness?"

"That would have to be not knowing my plants very well or hand to hand combat." Still nothing. I need to stop being so boring.

"Do you have any ideas for the arena?"

I need to make a joke to save me before it's too late. "Probably for me to have unlimited supplies." The audience chuckles at that.

"Of coarse! Anyone in there right mind would want that!" The crowd continues to laugh. "Moving on, do you think you are a fighter, thinker, or survivor?"

"I would probably say that I am a thinker the most, but I will gladly be a fighter and survivor also."

"What do you like about the capitol?" Time to suck up.

"The food...and the wonderful people of coarse! Especially you Zane." The audience likes that answer.

"Charmer I see." He laughs a little and continues, "Final question, are you excited for the Hunger Games?"

"I mean, I volunteered didn't I?" I lie. I am absolutely terrified and would be happy to wait my whole life to start the games.

"Well, thank you for talking with me this evening Sebastian!"

"The pleasure was all mine." I say while shaking his hand and getting up to walk off stage. That could have gone better but I'm extremely glad it didn't go any worse. 

73rd Annual Hunger Games: Sebastian HartWhere stories live. Discover now