Next Day

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Sometime soon after I ate my meat strips, I fell asleep. I didn't even realize it until I woke up freezing cold. I should have known I was sleeping because I had a dream that my parents were alive and we were happy together. In the dream, the games didn't exist and it was amazing. There are so many thinks that I would give for the games to just be a strange hallucination. And so many things I would give just to see my parents one more time.

I get up and start walking, hoping to warm myself up a little. The temperature has dropped so low and the clothing I have on is not going to cut it. I feel weirdly different but I guess that is what the cold does to you. Not soon after, I see a set of footprints going towards what I think is the east; but I'm not sure. I decide to follow them,  making sure to be as quiet as possible so no one would no that I am here.

I don't walk too long until I can an outline of a person in the distance. I pick up my pace and make sure my knife is firmly in my hand. Starting to walk quickly made me realize something, I was levitating. I wasn't earlier when I was just normally walking, but I am now. Maybe this is why I felt weird when I woke up.

I keep myself on the ground and quicken my pace. I slam my body into the back of this tribute with full force. We both fall to the ground. In the midst of falling, I try to stab the tribute, but instead tear open her backpack. She pushes me off of her and rushes to pick up all her things that spilled out. I get up and into attack position. I run after her again, but this time aiming at her throat. She blocks my attack with an axe that she seems to pull put of nowhere.

She starts pushing me, and I struggle to keep my balance. She has a look of confusion in her face and I can't help but smirk at that. I am such a nobody, not even the people I fight know me. I push back, not taking this from some girl tribute that I should have killed already. She stumbles and falls. I take this moment to look at her. She seems so weak and frail.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" I ask genuinely curious.

"How about because I really like living." She snaps back. She couldn't have possibly survived this long without help.

"Who is protecting you, huh? Where is your little alliance now?" I stare into her trying to make her feel threatened but her expression doesn't change.

"I don't need an alliance. I have done just fine out here on my own."

"That is hard to believe when you only have one arm." My main goal now is to kill her so I can be one person closer to getting out of this nightmare.

She tightens the grip on her axe and gets up, swinging at my face. I remember my ability that I discovered earlier in the day and realize that is going to be the only way to kill her. I somehow summon my abilities and fly up into the air, missing her blow.

I land right behind her and get an extra tight grip on my knife. I charge at her but she seems to know that I am coming and moves out of the way. Taking advantage of me sort of falling forwards because of lack of person in front of me, she manages to scrape my arm with her axe.

I decide enough is enough and take flight once more, this time with no intention of returning to finish what I started. I don't need to end up dead or badly injured. I still plan on winning the games, and I can't do that if I am badly hurt.

I land not sure of how far I went. The adrenaline has finally started to wear down and the bitter cold is coming back to me. I am extremely tired, but I know I would never get to sleep with the thought of getting hypothermia.

Just as I lay down and curl up into a tight ball, I familiar noise happens next to me. Another sponcer gift.  This box is a bit bigger and quickly open it. The contents were a letter and a thick wooly sweater. The silently read the letter.

Dearest Sebastian,

I have faith in you so here is a sweater to keep you warm. If you are going to die, it's going to be from a fight and not some simple thing like hypothermia.

I take off my jacket to put the sweater on. It is really tight trying to get the jacket on top of the sweater, but I manage to make it work. Next I need shelter. I dig a good size hole in the snow and get in. I eat some more of my meat and drink a little bit of the water that miraculously didn't freeze. 

I didn't realize how tired I was until just then. I start to doze off with the thoughts of possibly seeing my parents soon enough. It could be tomorrow or could be in 70 years. At this rate, no one knows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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73rd Annual Hunger Games: Sebastian HartWhere stories live. Discover now