The Following Day

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I notice the sun is starting to rise. I didn't get one second of sleep and I know that will come back to get me later today. I wonder why the capitol puts so much details into the arena, such as the sun setting and rising? Wouldn't it just be easier to leave it with no sun so none of us could barely anything?

After a while of thought, I decide it is time to leave my tree and go in a search of water. All of my current problems would be solved if I just could have some water. And maybe more nourishing food if possible.

I take the large knife out of my backpack and use it to cut off a small strip of fabric of my jacket. After I finally get done cutting the fabric off, I use it to tie my knife around my hand so I wouldn't drop it if I were to get into a fight.

 I start my trek for more food and water, wishing I had someone to talk to. With no company and no other sound than my feet trampling through the grass, it is getting very old very quick. Seconds felt like hours and minutes felt days. A walk that will never end. I just keep walking and walking and walking, hoping to find some source of water soon.

Finally, after what seems like years, I hear a faint trickle of water in the distance. I immediately start to run towards the noise, and low and behold, there is a small pond. I crouch down and pull my canteen out of my backpack, dumping out the berries that I had in it.  

After the canteen was filled, I drank it all down, and repeated. I do not think I have ever been this happy to have water in my entire life, and I am so thankful that I actually found some.

I continue to bask in the glory of the wonderful pond that I found, when I hear something move behind me. I quick stand up shoving my canteen into my backpack, so I don't loose it. The sound continues to get closer and I get ready to attack. The person finally emerges from the bushes, and I realize who had also found this spot. Carlie. My district partner.

She finally notices me and gasps, "Sebastian?"

"Yeah, it is me. And you are Carlie, my district partner. Glad we cleared that up." I say with a little sarcasm in my voice. When she doesn't respond, I continue. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you and maybe I will let you go."

" I....I am your district partner?" She says with more of a questioning voice than as if it was a statement.

"So? That is not a good enough reason."

"I...I could....uh...I could be your ally."

"Could you now? What would you do that could help me?"

"We could sleep in shifts, so no one gangs up on us and I could help you find food."

"Okay, that sounds reasonable. Come, join me." I say trying to decide if I kill her or not.

We talk for a little while until the suns starts to set. It is amazing how fast the days can go by in here. I agree to take the first look out shift, while she sleeps. My mind starts to wander  back to the night before. I really hope it was just a hallucination caused by dehydration. I mean, what else could it really have been.

I get pulled out of my thoughts when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I spin around to find Carlie standing there. "You go on to sleep, I got it from here." She says quietly.

I make my way over to where our things are and where she was sleeping when I still see her lying there. I turn back around not just to see the Carlie the tapped me on my shoulder, but another one staring into the water. And another just walking out of the trees. And another walking towards me slowly. This is definitely not caused by dehydration.

Then Carlie coming towards me starts to run. Almost instinctively, I get into a fighting position. She lunges at me but I quickly move out of the way. I stab my knife into her abdomen and she falls down. I turn away and notice another one of the Carlies coming at me. I continue to attack each one until everyone one of them are dead. I received some wounds but I will worry about them later. I think that they are all dead until I hear something behind me.

I turn around and the final Carlie is standing there. "Sebastian, put down the knife."

"I can't do"

"You don't have to do anything you will regret later."

"Oh trust me. I won't regret this." I say as I run the few steps to her and stab her in the chest. I grab my backpack and head over to the water.

They're all dead and I am alive. I sit down and inspect my wounds. I have some deep ones and I don't know if I can stop the bleeding. The one in my left shoulder is the worst, it just keeps bleeding and I can't move it without starting to black out. The mud, I'll stop the bleeding with the mud by the pond.

I start putting mud on all of my wounds, completely forgetting about the ointment I have in my backpack. Slowly the bleeding stops. My shoulder hurts so bad. I look around, where are they? Where are the Carlies I just killed? I get up and look all around me, and they aren't here. I get up and slowly start heading for the forest, I need cover and I still want to find better food. I walk back into the forest and start my search for food. After a walking for quite a while, I decide I need to rest.

I start to doze off when I hear some people talking. I quickly stand up and then crouch behind some bushes so they can't see me, but I can see them. I recognize them as two of the three people that killed the tribute in the beginning of the games.

They keep walking, oblivious to my stalking them. I decide to stop for a second, and step on a twig making just the slightest of sounds. I immediately hide behind the nearest tree, hoping neither of them heard it.

The guy that actually killed that poor tribute stops and motions for his ally to continue walking. He turns around and then calls out to me. "You might as well come on out! I know your here!"

I walk out from behind the tree and just stare at him. I make sure my knife is still connected to my hand and decide to make the first move. "You aren't killing me too, career boy." I say and then run towards him, my knife slicing his cheek open. I guess I miss calculated where my knife was going to go.

He is a little stunned by my attack but quickly hits me in the face with the butt of his spear. I fall and go to stab him in his leg, when I realize my knife got disconnected from my hand, and I don't know where it is anymore. I look up at him expecting to see him getting ready to kill me, but instead I see him running away.

I go to get up and look to my right, when I see a swarm of mosquitoes flooding the arena and coming my way. In a matter of seconds, mosquitoes are all around me and biting anywhere and everywhere on my body. Just as soon as it started, it ends and I move to inspect the bites I received. They are the worst on my legs.

I go to get up once more but get distracted by the hologram the pops up in the middle of the arena saying that there will be a feast back at the cornucopia. I see my chance to get better food and get more weapons, and I get really excited.

I move to get up once more, but find that I can't. I try to get up again, but yet, I'm still on the ground. In that moment I realize, my legs are paralyzed. I can't move. If I can't move, I will die. I am going to die.

73rd Annual Hunger Games: Sebastian HartWhere stories live. Discover now