The Bloodbath

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The day of the hunger games. I couldn't sleep last night, which I know will come back and affect me later. I know that it is still very early to start getting ready, but I decide to anyway. I get out of bed and find my clothes laid out on a chair.

I slowly put the clothes on, trying to take up lots of time. I first put on a black turtleneck and jeans. I then put on a green jacket and one of the two pairs of socks. Since there was two pairs of socks, I shove the other pair into a pocket in the jacket. I look at what I still have to put on. A belt, which I don't really need but may come in handy if I don't have a weapon. I put the belt on followed by the black combat boots.

I check the clock and notice quite a bit of time has actually passed while I was getting ready, so I quick style my hair and brush my teeth getting ready for the long week, give or take a couple of days, ahead of me.

I exit my room right as a person is coming towards my door to wake me up. I get to the tube that will take me to the arena and I say my finally goodbyes to my stylist who was with me and my life how I know it now.

The tube starts to move and soon I arrive in the arena. I take in my surroundings. The cornucopia is made out of stones covered in moss, as for the actual arena, it's very dark and has some stone walls with torches or velvet curtains in front of them. All-of-a-sudden, I hear someone counting down from 10. I realize the person is counting down to the start of the games.

9...8...7...6...5...I make mental plans to run towards the cornucopia. 4...3...I get ready to run off my pedestal. 2...1... A buzzer sounds and everyone starts running.  As soon as I reach the cornucopia, I grab a backpack and take off running once more.

I soon figure out the building that I am in is a type of maze and is what I would expect a old-fashioned castle to look like. After running non-stop, I see an opening at the end of one of the hallways. I walk down the hallway being careful incase it is already some sort of trap the gamemakers set out for us tributes.

I reach the end and discover there is no trap. I cautiously step outside into a thick forest. I immediately feel the intense humidity. Wearing all this clothing, is deffinatly not helping. I step back into the coolness of the hallway and sit down. From my standpoint,I will be able to see if anyone is coming from the forest or the castle.

I unpack the backpack that I grabbed. I find a couple knives, an empty canteen, and a jar of antibiotics. At least I have this much. I'm sure other people didn't get as lucky as me, but I'm sure some other people got a lot better backpacks than me.

I lay down using my backpack as a pillow. As I start drifting off to sleep and my mind wonders. What if I'm not able to find food? Or water? If I am going to die, I certainly don't want it to be by starvation or dehydration. If I am going to die, I'm going down swinging.

73rd Annual Hunger Games: Sebastian HartWhere stories live. Discover now