Chapter 16

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Bre & Aug in MM.


"Ya' daddy was a cute la' boy! You'n think so?"

Bre laughed, "Yes, but why you lookin' like that?"

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Bre laughed, "Yes, but why you lookin' like that?"

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like dat."

We continued pullin' old photos out tha' box I kept 'em in.

"Look at 'em! Fresh as a muuuug! Whew!"

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"Look at 'em! Fresh as a muuuug! Whew!"

She shrugged, "I guess, but why ya' shirt so big?"

"Cus that was the style back in my day, guh! But really that was ya' Uncle Travis shirt."

"Daddy who's this?" She held up the picture ta' show it ta' me.

"That's uh

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"That's uh... my brudda', ya Uncle Mel. He was Kay Kay 'nem daddy."

"Oh, why I never met him before? And who's that lady?"

"He passed away befo' you got the chance ta' meet him... but I know he prolly' smilin' down at us right now."

And that's the honest truth. I know him and God have been guidin' me through dis' whole process with Bre. When I first met ha', I didn't know the first thing about parentin', besides what I know from caring fa' my nieces. I'm still learnin', but my goal is ta' be tha' best daddy ta' this la' girl as my brudda was ta' his kids.

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