Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Our little break from school came to an end and I had to go back to dealing with the annoying people at school who still call me an idiot for writing a love letter to Louis Tomlinson. As soon as I walked into school that morning, it happened, someone called me pathetic for something I did a month ago.

"I wish you could just tell everyone that you live with Louis, people would treat you with respect." Ariana leaned on the locker next to mine. She stared at me with sincere eyes.

"He would kill me." I sighed putting my math book into my old backpack.

"Right, but I hate it when people give you weird looks even though you've been seen coming to school with him," Ariana counteracted.

"It's fine, Ariana. I don't really mind." I shut my locker and faced her.

It actually wasn't fine. I was tired of the annoying comments that were always said about me but it's not like I have control over what people say. There was nothing I could do about it.

"Devin's behind you." Ariana laughed making me turn around swiftly.

"Damn you Ariana! I was gonna scare her." Devin glared at her. "You suck."

"Oh shut up Devin Carter. You love me." Ariana pointed to herself, smiling smugly.

Devin chuckled and put his arms around the both of us. "I'll love you more than Justin Bieber ever will," he looked down at Ariana and she just rolled her eyes. He looked at me and said, "Louis doesn't love you so I'll probably always love you more than he ever will." Devin shrugged.

"I know Devin, you don't have to remind me," I retorted with a monotone voice. It sounded a lot less rude in my head.

"I didn't me-" Devin started to say before I cut him off. "It's fine because it's true."

and I wish it wasn't true.

The morning after I cheered Louis up by singing and dancing to Little Mix's "Move", he ignored me the whole day and Devin and Ariana seemed to notice it. You'd think that it was inevitable for us to exchange at least two words in conversation with each other because we shared a tent but no. He didn't talk to me at all not even on the ride home that night. There was no reason for him to ignore me to this extent but he did. I hated myself and made myself believe that I did something wrong toward him.


Louis did the usual, ignore me every time I walked pass him at school. I don't know why it's such a big deal, if he at least waved at me I would be happy. I think he's just afraid that it'll ruin his reputation or something. I walked over to home room, reluctantly. I'm so glad that Devin is in my home room, it makes things a lot better.

"We get our report cards today, you know." Devin sighed because he knew his grades weren't going to be all that great.

My eyes widened, "I am scared."

The bell rang and Ms. Montez began talking about our grades. I didn't really pay attention, like always. Then she started passing out our report cards.

Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. She's about to hand me mine. She placed it on my desk and I flipped it over. My jaw dropped. I'm failing two of my classes and I'm getting D's for my two other classes. I frowned at my report card but I knew that, that wouldn't help change my grade or anything.

"You got bad grades didn't you?" Devin smirked.

"Yeah." I replied, disappointment evident in my face expression.

"Me too."

Then suddenly I remembered what Louis told me before we went camping...

He was going to help me study.

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