Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I was about to close my door and lock it but Louis didn't let me. Without being asked to, Louis walked into my room and shut the door.

I don't want him to see me cry. Especially because he's the reason for my tears.

"I don't want to talk to you." I turned the other direction so that I wouldn't have to face him. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands.

"But I want to talk to you." Louis placed his on my shoulders and spun me around. He pulled my hands down so that he could see my eyes so I looked away from him.

The beat of my heart picked up as soon as he touched me. It was unreal. How can someone so mean to me give me butterflies whenever he touches me?

"I'm sorry ok. I guess I over reacted. It's just, I hate it when rumors spread about me, especially when the rumors aren't true and I just-I just took out all of my anger on you because I figured that you brought that photo to school to show people that you hung out with me or something." Louis explained. His tone was sincere but I still didn't really believe him.

"You can't take back what you said. I know that you meant it," I said sternly, still avoiding eye contact with him.

"I can take back what I say because I didn't mean it."

Is he being serious?

"Louis stop lying to me." I wanted to cry again. I felt the tears coming soon.

Keep it together Brook.

I felt a tear escape from my eyes and Louis lifted his hand hesitantly. He placed his hand onto my face and wiped it with his thumb. II wish he'd stop acting like he likes me and leave me alone.

"Brooklyn, I'm sorry. If I knew that I'd hurt you, I wouldn't of said those things. Sure, I did feel that way about you moving in at first but things got interesting and I don't feel the same way about it."

I believed him. Something about his tone lead me to believe that he was being sincere and he was really sorry.

"I forgive you," I replied and Louis tried to hide his smile.

"It's easy to forgive a good looking person, huh?" He grinned as he looked down at me.

I laughed lightly still kind of hurt and with that being said, Louis left. I sighed and plopped onto my bed. I tried to push all thoughts of Louis to the back of my head but I couldn't. Somehow, he would always get into my thoughts. I don't know why I like him so much, he's annoying, cruel, conceited, arrogant and rude but he can be sweet sometimes and playful and when he smiles at me everything just feels so right. Maybe I'm attracted to the way he treats me? I think I'm just attracted to everything he does. I'm even attracted to him when I watch him put his shoes on every morning.

You're pathetic for liking someone that treats you like crap.


"Where is everyone?" I asked Louis after ascending the stairs.

"They're all out so it's just me and you." Louis answered, his eyes still glued to the TV. He didn't bother to even look at me.

So after being "sincere-tear-wiping Louis", he's back to "I don't care about you Brooklyn Louis."

"Just me and you. Ok then." I dragged out my words because I felt super awkward knowing that Louis and I were alone.

This isn't the first time we've been home alone together but the second time. I don't know, this time it feels much different. I took the risk to sit next to him on the couch, hoping that he wouldn't yell at me like he did earlier today.

"Let's watch Grease!" I suggested, a smile plastered onto my face.

Louis smirked. He must remember what we discussed when we went camping during spring break. I smiled as thoughts from that night came to my mind.

During the movie we make weird jokes and Louis sang along to some of the songs, it was his favorite movie after all. It made me feel like he actually liked me as a friend but in about 5 minutes he'll go back to his normal cruel personality toward me. I really enjoyed it though. He told me that the next time that we're home alone, we'll watch my favorite movie, that made me smile like an idiot. Now I'm lying on my bed, thinking about him again.

Why can't I get that boy out of my head? This isn't fair. I ran downstairs and searched for those cookies that I saw Louis eating. After 10 minutes of searching for it, I realized that they weren't here.

Maybe the cookies are in his room?

I raced up to his room and opened the door as quietly as I could, he was sleeping and if I wake him up, let's just say that I will never see another day. I tiptoed into his bedroom and I spotted the cookies on his nightstand. He's so selfish, he wants all of the delicious cookies to himself. I snatched the bag of cookies and began to tiptoe out of his room. I felt a sense of relief fall over me until I felt a pair of hands grab me, causing me to drop the bag of cookies. It was Louis of course. He pushed me onto his bed and grinned at me. His elbow was propped up to support his head. Butterflies began to fill my stomach as he continued to look at me.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"I-I uhh wanted to get the cookies.." I managed to say.

"Are you sure that that's all you wanted? After all we are home alone isn't there something else that you want?" He was now hovering over me.

I felt the beat of my heart pick up as his breath brushed against my face. He ran a hand through my hair, sending tingles up my spine.

What in the world was he trying to do?

Stay cool. Stay cool.

"I-I don't think we should do this," I said, my voice sounding like a terrified little girl. "We should wait a bit longer."

Louis busted into fits of laughter. "I didn't want to anyway."

I had a feeling this would happen. He looks for every opportunity to tease me because he knows that I still like him a lot. I rolled my eyes

I grimaced at him. "I didn't want anything to happen anyway," I responded.

"Yeah sure." Louis rolled his eyes at me and I just ran out of his room, leaving the cookies there.

YAY FOR EARLY UPDATES! I'm so sorry guys, this chapter wasn't very long! I'm sure that the next one will be longer though!
I have an exciting weekend ahead of me and I hope you guys enjoy yours too! Thanks for reading my lovelies!

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