Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

My hair was still a little damp from the rain and my clothes were really wet from my walk with Louis in the rain. I felt really gross and sticky so I resolved to taking a shower.

The only thing I could think of was what Ariana's reaction to all of this would be. No doubt, she's going to be really happy for me but thinking of Ariana made me think of Devin. I feel really bad for just leaving him and going to Louis right after. I didn't really go to him though,he came to me but in a sense I did go to him. I shake my head and try to think about something else.

I step out of the shower once I'm finished and run to my room. I put on a plain white t shirt and sweats. The first thing I do once I'm dressed is call Ariana and tell her every single thing that happened today, including my date with Devin. Her reaction was exactly what I thought it would be, she freaked out and was excited to see me tomorrow to talk about my relationship with Louis more. I had to keep my voice down, I felt like Louis would be able to hear me because his room isn't that far away from mine.

"Wow. You're boyfriend is Louis Tomlinson." Ariana reminds me through the phone.

Hearing her say it makes it feel more real. The events from today are still trying to process in my head. "Unbelievable, huh?"

"Heck yes." She responds. Even though I can't see her face, I know that she's nodding and smirking. She continued to ask me a ton of questions, which made me feel like I was under interrogation. She even asked about Madison. I assured her that I'd tell her, once I found out.

After the call, I got ready for bed. I was so overwhelmed with happiness that I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning. Every sleeping position didn't seem to work for me. The moment when Louis told me that he loved me, began to replay over and over in my head. If I could relive at least one event in my life, it would have to be tonight.

Oh my goodness Brooklyn. You're dating him. You're dating Louis Tomlinson.

Instead of tossing and turning, I just began to look at the ceiling and smile like a complete idiot. I must look really stupid right now. I took a glimpse at the clock on my dresser, noticing that it's almost midnight. I've been trying to sleep for hours.

I start to panic when my door begins to open. What the? Who the heck would want to come into my room at this hour?

My question is answered, when Louis steps into my room. I feel my eyes widen at him, I quickly look away when his eyes meet mine. Why is he here?

"What are you doing here?" I question, shyly as I looked back at him.

He ignores my question and steps closer to my bed. "Can't sleep right?"

I nod slowly and he laughs quietly.

"Me either." He replies. "I thought I could sleep better if I was with you."

The beat of my heart quickly picks up. Before I realize what he's doing, his body is next to mine on the mattress, my back facing him.

Ok. Brooklyn, don't panic or scream. You better not panic or scream.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I ask as an attempt to break the silence that fell upon us.

"I'm not acting weird. Why are you acting so weird?" Louis responds.

"I'm not, you are. You're being so sweet and kind," I reply in a small voice.

"I know I am. Just because I'm your boyfriend doesn't mean that I won't be cruel to you, I'll just be a little less cruel to you," he tells me.

I don't want to look at him because I already know that he has a huge grin on his face. Of course he's still going to be cruel to me, he's Louis. It would be kind of weird if he wasn't being cruel to me though.

"Yeah I know." I turn my body to face him.

"Let's stop being weird," Louis says and smiles.

I nod in agreement. "What will our parents think if they see us sleeping here?" I asked.

"My mum doesn't mind but we just need to make sure that Lance doesn't see," Louis replied, referring to what she told us when we came home.

"Still. I hope that we don't get caught because we might give them the wrong idea."

"I'll take the blame for everything so it's ok," Louis assured me and I couldn't help but adore him even more.

I decided that now is the time to ask about Madison. I've waited a really long time to ask this, well not that long, it's only been a few hours but still. "Um...what happened to Madison?"

"I dumped her yesterday," he answers, casually.

I try to hide my smile because he's staring at me right now. He pokes my cheek, playfully and as soon as he does, the smile breaks across my face.

"Don't feel too special because I was gonna dump her anyway," he tells me. "I know it sounds crazy that I confessed to you the day after but I didn't like her as much as I thought I did. I had a feeling that I liked you but I ignored it and thought that Madison would make me forget about all of that but it didn't."

"Well yeah, because you love me," I reply with a cheerful grin, feeling pretty cocky.

"Shut up and go to sleep," Louis retorted, making my grin fade.
I frown a little at Louis's sudden mood change but I don't care, it wouldn't feel right if he was nice to me all the time. I oblige and shut my eyes, hoping that Louis is doing the same.

"I notice that when you like to take only the top crust off of your bread and that you always put your hair in a messy bun when you do the dishes. I like that you take the time to make sure that Lance eats his breakfast every morning. You always cuff the bottoms of your jeans and I find that really cute. You don't like tomatoes but you really like cucumbers. You like to eat Oreos at night when that's bad for you but you don't care and hate diets. After I started noticing these things, I realized that I was in love with you and now you're mine," Louis said sincerely.

I wanted to make him repeat everything that he just said over and over until the day I die. Every single word that came out of his mouth was perfect.

"I love you Louis."

I meant it. I really did.

"I love you too now go to sleep so that I can stop feeling so mushy," he said quickly and shut his eyes.

I giggled and turned around so that my back was facing him again. While I was trying to fall asleep, I felt an arm wrap around my waist pulling me close. No doubt it was Louis.

I felt loved by Louis. Who knew that this was going to happen? Someone that was so cruel to me and basically humiliated me at school loves me.

I woke up early the next morning and found a sleeping Louis with his arms around me. I smile crept on my face as I stared at him and admired the way he looked as he slept. I couldn't help but touch his delicate face, he looked like an adorable angel when he slept. My finger traced his pink lips, the pink lips that I loved pressing my lips against.

"I'm awake you know," Louis piped up.

My eyes widened as he slightly opened his. His blue eyes stared at mine and I tried to avoid eye contact with him even though I knew that, that wasn't possible.

"Do you always touch people's lips when they're sleeping?" he asked, still looking at me intently.

I shook my head. "I just wanted to touch yours," I felt my cheeks redden in embarrassment.

I should really keep my hands to myself when Louis is sleeping.

"You should've woken me up with a kiss instead. I can fall asleep and you can try again," he informed me before closing his eyes.

My heart melted with his cute words. He didn't show any emotion but that's just how he is. He makes me go crazy with the things he says but I love it anyway.
Again I have the hardest time writing long chapters :( but here you go! Another update! :) thank you for bearing with me! <3

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