Cheese and Yaks

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Sophie: Ew, Keefe! You stink worse than Limburger!

Keefe: What's that?

Sophie: It's a human food. Here *hands Keefe a pamphlet of cheeses*

Keefe: *thinks* *smirks* Sophie, I gouda have you

Sophie: *facepalm*

A/N: I know, this wasn't my best. But I actually might use this one day, so it's best to keep it handy. (insert cheese-lover that is my crush) I gouda have you. IT WILL BE THE EPIC BEGINNING OF A LIFELONG RELATIONSHIP OF BAD PUNS!!!!! XD And now my sisters pun (she insisted)

Keefe: *learns how to ride a yak*

Keefe: *ditches* *runs into Sophie*

Sophie: What are you doing, Keefe?

Keefe: Ditching Yaks

Keefe's cheesy Pick-Up linesWhere stories live. Discover now