COMPETITION 2.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi guys!!! I'm doing

Can you guess????




So basically..... I have this SUPER awesome prompt and whoever writes the cutest, cheesiest, most creative story followed (inspired) by the prompt wins! (Everyone's writing is amazing! But the one that stands out the most to me will be the winner.) AND this time it can be any ship involving Sophie!



"Sophie...If you can explain why Keefe is walking around in an ostrich costume, why you're covered in neon yellow glitter, and why in the WORLD it smells like Iggy's armpit after he rolled around in the verminion's pen, I might consider allowing you to go to the dance.



How Do I Enter?

~Write your story

~Post it on Wattpad/some fanfiction website that I would be able to see OR dm it to me (though this may be hard because there is a character limit)

~Make sure to tag me OR send me the link via DM (DM is better bc sometimes the tags don't show up in my notifications?!)

~That's it!

What Are the Rules and Requirements?

1. Firstly, it must be under 10,000 words. Unfortunately I do not have the time to read a full length novel. I'm sorry :/

2. NO CUSSING OR SEXUAL CONTENT. It MUST be kept PG. (Though words like binch, ding dangledy darn, and fudgkins are acceptable)(Kissing is acceptable)

4. YOU MUST ENTER BETWEEN DECEMBER 26th 2017 and JANUARY 10th 2018! I will then announce the winner between about a week after! 

5. Have fun! Remember, it's supposed to be fun! Why? BECAUSE IT'S FUN!

What Do I Get If I Win?

Aha! We finally get to the most important question... 

The winner receives a free follow from yours truly, a shout-out, AND I will also paste your winning story to THIS CHEESY PICKUP LINE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ExCiTiNg! (If you are uncomfortable with that, that's fine! Please tell me though and post it on something that I can easily link it to so people can read it!)

But what if my epically awesome piece doesn't win? That's ok! It was still COMPLETELY AMAZING!!!! And everyone who enters I will love forever plus I'll spam ALL of you with votes on your awesome stories. :P


If you have any Qs ask below!


Did anyone notice I basically copy pasted from my last competition? No? Good ;)

Keefe's cheesy Pick-Up linesWhere stories live. Discover now