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(CHAPTER WILL BE LONG.) hello there loves! I KEEP PROMISING TO START UPDATING MORE OFTEN AND THEN I DON'T AND I'M SO SORRY JESUS CHRIST. i've been in summer school & i'm trying to get all this shit done but i promise i really promise. there will be updates way more often from here on out. & if i don't please contact on me on kik, or instagram. your guys' support has been so amazing. i love getting messages from you all. i will start updating more, you have my word. i swear. how have your guys' summer been? i'd love to know!


• luke •

i fluttered my eyes open lightly, a giant bright, hot light blurred my vision. i blinked until my eyes adjusted. i went to raise up but my wrists were tied to the bed. a bed. why am i in a bed? where am i? i looked around and the sound of the light twitching was the only thing i could hear, other than that it was silent. i jerked my arms up struggling to get myself free. i wiggled some more before giving up. i sighed to myself.
my head was pounding and it felt like my brain was trying to bust through my skull. i squinted at the pain.
"hello?" i finally called out, i raised my neck up to see a door in front of me. i was wearing a hospital gown but i don't think i'm in a hospital. i wiggled my eyebrows and felt something on my head. a wrap maybe? i'm not sure. i sighed once again getting irritated at my circumstances. i just want to know where i'm at and what i'm doing here.

foot steps came close to the door and my heart pounded. i tensed and watched the door open with an awful ear piercing screech noise.
"ah," a nun walked in, and the second i saw her face i realized where i was and i was starting to regain memory. it was sister edith, "mister hemmings. you're awake." she shut the door behind her, then came walking over to me. she stood at my bedside and i looked up at her.

"why am i here?" i asked. "where am i?" i wiggled around again. she put her hand on my chest and roughly pushed making me lay back down. "stop fussing. you'll hurt yourself. you need to relax. you're only going to make things worse if you keep fidgeting."

"worse?" i watched her walk to a little medical looking table, like where dentists keep their supplies while they check inside your mouth. she picked up a syringe, sucked some liquid into it then held it up to the light before flicking it slightly.
"what is that?" i panicked.

"it's a muscle relaxer. i promise."

"i don't need that."

"but you do. it will help with the aches and pains." she said before sticking it in my arm. i flinched at the pinching sensation. "you got a concussion and you hurt your shoulder pretty bad. but you'll be okay."

glimpses of michael and i fighting flashed through my mind. i didn't say anything for a while. i didn't know what to say. but then all that came out was, "when can i leave?"

she flashed a look at me and i rolled my eyes. "i didn't mean leave the ward. i meant leave this room."

"as soon as you get a little better." she wasn't looking at me, she just kept writing things down on a clipboard.

"where's michael?"

"he was moved to solitary confinement about fifteen minutes ago. he was hurt pretty badly too, but not as bad as you. so he's fine."

"how long have i been out of it?" i asked.

"about a day and a half. mister clifford is scratched up here and there but he's okay." there was a pause. "we don't reward this kind of behavior... fighting and nonsense." sister edith muttered. she wrote on her clipboard some more. "lunch will be brought to you soon." she left with that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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