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PLEASE READ !!!!!! i'm so sorry. my updates are slow. some stuff happened these past months & it's been hard. i've found no time at all to update any of my stories. i'm so sorry. but anyways, in a happier note.
HI BABIES! SO I'M UPDATING AGAIN. YAY. again, thank you all SO SO much for all the reads and votes! i have over 8k reads! HOLY JUMPIN JESUS ON A BREADSTICK. S E V E N FLIPPIN K. you guys are beyond amazing!
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i hate you

• luke •

i pushed calum off with a hard shove after hearing shouting from outside the door. our lips detached. we were both out of breath, our chests rising up and down. we were standing facing each other. i wiped my mouth and took a step away from cal. "did you hear that?" i finally said referring to the disembodied yelling from outside the door i heard moments before.

"what?" calum was still trying to catch his breath. "hear what?"

"you didn't hear that shouting just now?"


"i heard it." i said making my way toward the door. "it came from outside the d--" i stopped when i looked at cal. i looked below his admin and noticed the huge bulge in his pants. he caught my gaze and looked down. cal's tan cheeks turned a bright shade of red. "i-i uh." he scratched the back of his neck. "i-i'm sorry. i didn't realize that i was... oh god. i'm so embarrassed."

i chuckled and smiled at him, reassuring him not to be embarrassed. i'm a guy too, i get it. it happens. i sort of awkwardly wrapped my arms around myself. i wasn't quite sure what to do in a time like this. of course this wasn't my first kiss or sexual experience but it had been a long while and i was drunk. i felt weird. guilty almost... who am i kidding. i do feel guilty. calum obviously has feelings for me but i don't feel the same back... i took advantage of him for my own emotional issues. my empty drunk pathetic emotional issues. it was silent for a minute until calum stepped closer to me again.

"can we just... can we just kiss again please?" he asked shyly. i took one look at his lips and pecked them softly. "i'm sorry cal. this is wrong. we're drunk, you don't know what you're doing and honestly, neither do i. i can't take advantage of you like this. it's wrong. i'm very sorry."

calum sighed and hung his head low. "i understand...i'm sorry for everything, mate. i really am."

"don't be, it's alright. thank you for giving me a night of fun. i needed it. i'm still drunk and i'm tired. it's getting pretty early in the morning and i wouldn't want either of us getting caught. i'm gonna head back, okay?"

he nodded still looking as ashamed as ever i pursed my lips and nodded too. "i'll see you 'round." i headed out the door, i was walking through before turning around to see calum  still standing there in the middle of the room with his head down. "oh and uh- by the way." i said. his head popped up with his eyebrows raised. "yeah?"

"you're a good kisser, cal. thank you." flashing him a small smile i exited the bakery. i'm not even sure how to feel right now. i wasn't sure what to do either. i just wanted to get back to my room. what just even happened? i shook my head. doesn't matter. don't think. just go to your room and get some sleep. it's for the best.

what was i thinking? what am i doing? fuck.

i reached my room and opened it quietly trying my best not to wake michael. i figured he was sleeping. probably tired himself out from the panic attack earlier. i shut the door behind me, the room pitch black i flipped the switch on and michael was sat straight up in his bed. his legs folded over each other. "oh god." i chuckled clutching my heart. "you scared me." i took my jacket off and chuckled. i threw it to the floor and looked up at michael again.

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