The Answer

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A/N: This is really long so I'll see you on the other side ;) 

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A/N: This is really long so I'll see you on the other side ;) 

Excitement filled the Harrison household on the very joyous morning of Christmas Day. 

The four children tip-toed quietly down the stairs, cautious of the creaky boards. They stayed in a tight pack led by Donna, the self nominated leader and the oldest. She led her brother and cousins quietly into sitting room, but the quietness didn't last.

The serenity of the house was distilled by the uproar of excited children upon seeing the sitting room littered with presents. They took off again, trudging up the stairs. Their feet pattering and their screams of alacrity was enough to wake some of the adults up before they even barged into rooms, declaring the good news.

"What the 'ell?" mumbled a sleep deprived Brona as she jolted upright in bed. She blinked her eyes several times to adjust to the light. She felt very disorientated, especially when she watched her sister jump up to attention. Louise was arguably more confused. 

"Air raid! Shit, the Luftwaffe!" The noise triggered misconception in the eldest. Her state of urgency lifted when she saw her sister sitting up in the bed across smiling. Louise chuckled. "Oh we're not at war anymore, are we? It's 1963, right?"

"Yes," she confirmed, grinning. "But there is a raid goin' on."

Just as she said that, their door was thrown open with a loud clatter. Seeing Donna, Lara, Edward and Andrew standing in the door way with bright beams plastered across their faces, the sisters remembered the special day. The children ran in and out all the rooms, successfully waking the adults up. Mission one completed, they divided into siblings and went to attack their parents.

Brona stretched her limbs and yawned, watching in delight as Louise and Gordon were harassed by their hyper children. Gordon held his pillow over his head, playfully begging for another few minutes of rest as his children jumped on the bed. Brona swung her legs out of bed, grabbed her dressing gown and slipped on her slippers. She sneaked over to the other bed, picking up Lara from behind, much to the little two year old's delight.

"Come on, ye little rascals." She put Lara on her back, concerned about just how stable the toddler was when waddling quickly on her two legs. She tickled Andrew under his arm, motioning to come with her. "We'll go down stairs and Mammy and Daddy we'll met us there in five minutes or else I'll open their presents and keep 'em."

The giddiness of her nephew and niece were infectious and she couldn't help but indulge in their carefree excitement. Andrew giggled as he led his aunt and sister out with haste into the hallway, just as his uncles came out of their room. Seeing George and Harry with Donna and Edward on their backs, Brona felt a sudden sense of competition and declared a race, which the boys were all too eager to participate on. Peter, always mad to win, swooped Andrew up much to his delight and let him on his back.

The children's giggles could be heard throughout the whole house and the laughter of the older children matched their volume as they ran wild down the hallway and endured a bumpy ride down the staircase before reaching their destination. George and Donna were the winners and they basked in their glory with equal measures of glee and smug. They others just muttered their excuses.

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