It Won't Be Long

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"It’s discustin', innit?" 

Siobhan and Jackie turned their heads away from the shop window to behind the counter where Conall had just come in holding a crate of tins with an envelope on top. His nose wrinkled in disgust at the sight they had been looking at only moments ago. The two young women looked at him expectantly.

"Those two still goin' at it," Conall explained, repulsed. He gestured to the scene outside the shop window where the most talked about couple in Liverpool currently were standing close together, hands in hands. "Discustin'!"

Jackie frowned, creating a crease in her brow while Siobhan smirked widely.

"Haven't gotten any in a while, have ya, darling?"

Conall's grew in size as they flicked over the Irish native. He schooled himself to look casual and shrugged. "Course, I 'ave." Siobhan's brows rose higher as Jackie began to chuckle. "Well you know... it's been a little dry lately."

"Lately?" Jackie asked knowingly.

Conall's face scrunched up. "I've got work to do," he said grumpily.

The errand boy placed the crate, which was growing heavy, on the counter. He took the large envelope out, leaving it on the counter and he began to stack the shelf. Fun over, the girls turned around to see Matthew with his hands on their best friend's cheeks. Siobhan gazed at them dreamily, thinking it was all very romantic, and Jackie gazed at them problematically, unsure about what the blonde saw. The two continued their earlier debate.

"She's not in love with 'im," Jackie persisted.

Siobhan shook her head in disagreement. "She's in love with 'im."

"No, she isn't!"

"Yes, she is!"


 "It's getting harder and harder to say goodbye."

 "Yes," said Brona, nodding. "But it isn't goodbye, is it, darling? It's 'see you on Thursday'."

Matthew's lips curled upwards. "See you on Thursday," he whispered against her lips before he kissed them softly. "I love you."

"I love you too," she whispered, her eyes gazing into his as she gently squeezed his hands before they left hers slowly.

Brona clasped her hands together, feeling them grew cold in the winter's air quite quickly. She watched her boyfriend set of in his car with a doting expression, waving when he waved at her from the driver's seat. She stayed outside on the footpath until the car zoomed down the road and out of sight.

Brona turned on her heel and hurried into the shop, grateful for the warm air that greeted her after the absence of heat. It was rather nippy outside today. Maybe, Mam will get her Christmas wish this year, she thought with a small smile. The one gift the Harrisons could never get Louise and that was for it to snow. It didn't happen for her last year, so Louise was more determined for it to snow this year.

"Well," she said, a teasing smile playing on her lips. Her words were directed at the three young adults gathered around the counter having a - not at all suspicious - in depth conversation. "Did we entertain you?"

Conall looked up at her, trying to channel a cross expression on his face. "Never mind that," he told her, crossing his arms. "May I remind you, I'm not the only one who works 'ere, ya know? I've been 'ere alone for twenty minutes while you've been sayin' goodbye to Mister Mod."

"He's not a mod, Conall," she said airily. "And I'll make it up to you." As she always did. An unsuccessfully suppressed smile appeared and that seemed to settle it. 

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