Go to Him

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Stepping out of Peter's car, Brona surveyed the area. She had arrived at Platt Fields Park in the early hours of Boxing Day and the place was expectantly quiet. There was just the odd walker or dog minder passing through on the cold morning. Perfect, the brunette didn't want too many people around during what would be an intimate moment. She had arranged to meet Matthew here, changing their plans considerably. She didn't want to break up with him in his own house surrounded by his family. She respected him too much.

Winding her woolen scarf around her neck while her eyes skimmed the park, Brona spotted the blonde head of a young man sitting on a park bench not to far from her. That was him. She was certain. Taking a deep breath, she extracted her keys from the lock, pocketed them and strolled towards the park bench.

The grass was covered in glistening dew, wetting her shoes slightly. The frost had almost cleared. Brona was thankful the snow didn't stick after it's appearance yesterday. She would be too frightened to drive down in treacherous conditions and it wasn't her life she feared for, it was Peter's car and his wrath. It was still frightfully cold and a mist hung low in the air. The winter sun had yet to break through the clouds. She put her hands in her pockets to stop the cold nipping her fingers.

"Matthew?" she called out, nearing the bench.

The man had his arm stretched out along the bench. He turned his head around in response, a warm smile greeting her. Matthew stood up and something pulled them together immediately. Their lips met in a lighting flash. Brona kissed back eagerly, fingers running through his hair. It was one desperate attempt to maybe salvage everything. But the spark was no longer there and she couldn't help but pull her lips away disappointingly, surprised to see Matthew reflecting her feelings in his crestfallen eyes. It seemed he too no longer felt the spark they had ignited the first time their lips met.

"You wanted to talk," Matthew said in a matter of fact tone, motioning to the bench.

He sat in his former position, inviting a weary Brona to sit with him. He gave her a reassuring smile and his eyes projected kindness. It alleviated the heavy weight in the pit of her stomach, that made her feel uneasy. Somehow, he knew what was going to happen. Maybe this was going to be her first ever mature, adult break up. The notion was oddly refreshing. She sank into the seat beside him.

"I hate this," Brona said, staring at her hands that were folded neatly in her lap before returning to look at Matthew. "And I'm very sorry I'm doin' this durin' the holidays, but it couldn't wait. Matthew, so much has 'appened to me since the last time I saw you and it's made me think about a lot of things. It made me think about you and us. You're a great guy, Matthew, and when I said I loved you I meant it. But after these past few days, I don't think we're right for each other. You're a routine kind of man and I am 'orribly unpredictable. I think it might be for the best if we break up."

During the speech, Matthew had listened attentively. She was grateful he had let her get through with out interruption. He took a moment to reply, appearing deep in thought. He nodded, retracting his arm from the bench. He adjusted his legs to move closer into the bench so that they had a better viewing of each other.

"I understand," he said simply.

Brona sighed out in relief. "Thank you, darling! Thank you even just for that," she exclaimed, grabbing his hand tightly with affection. He chuckled fondly.

"It was whirlwind romance and it has run it's course," he speculated thoughtfully. Brona's pale pink lips twitched upwards into a smile. It was all going so smoothly. Too bad she couldn't manage life like she was managing this breakup. "Something happened to me too actually and I've been feeling terribly torn about it. Do you remember me mentioning Aubrey Wilkinson?"

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