I'll be on my Way

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It took less than an hour to bring the five friends from the BBC Studios back to the hotel in a fancy car and with ease seeing that is was still lashing down from the heavens that even the hard core fans weren't insight. The driver was able to bring the car right up onto the pavement in front of the hotel door and park it.

"Here we are," the driver said, pulling on the hand break before he glanced over his shoulder. "Oh Mr Epstein told me to inform that Miss Harrison's friend, a Miss Powell is waiting up in your room with her son."

"Thank you," Brona replied politely.

"No bother, love."

There was a clink from each seat belt as they were unbuckled and they scooted down to the end of the car, nearest the door, where John was bracing himself for the few steps that wasn't sheltered and where rain was heavily falling. John quickly flung open the door and dashed into the hotel entrance, small splashes of water accompanying their foot steps as they ran for shelter.

"When's it goin' to stop rainin'?" Brona moaned, hugging her cold body. "I haven't seen the sun since Liverpool."

"Forecast says it won't be long now," Ringo told her, smiling weakly in attempt to cheer her up but it was hard when he too was hating the non-stop rain.

Brona forced a smile and shrugged her shoulders, "Could be worse," she commented positively. She always tried to remain positive, she was quite optimistic or she like to think she was.

They headed for the lift. When they got there, George was just about to press the button when John stopped him. John persuaded them that they should take the stairs because by the time the lift opened they could have been up and down the stairs twice. He was just eager to see his wife and kid who he hadn't seen in over two months since the last time they visited him on tour. All he wanted was just to hold his wife and son again.

They went up two flights of stairs, John leading them in a steady jog. They walked through the maze like hallway, which usually took them less than two minutes to walk but right now it seemed like a never ending maze. It wasn't just John who had a wave of excitement surging through him, the other four did too. When they finally reached their hotel room, John wasted no time in unlocking the door and quickly went in, the others following and Ringo closed the door behind him.

A young woman with blonde shoulder length hair was sitting on the couch and looked up from the six month old baby sitting in her lap and smiled brightly, happy tears springing into her eyes. "John!"

"'ello, Cyn," he said softly, taking a seat beside her on the couch and gently cupped her cheeks before pulling her face towards his and engulfed her lips in a tender kiss that they both had longed for these past months. "I've missed you so much, love."

"So have I John, so have I," Cynthia admitted truthfully, her eyes searching his for love, and it was there. Her smile broadened. "I haven't been the only one you know." She slowly turned her head down to the baby boy on her lap that was cooing away.

"Hi there, Julian," John said cheerfully, lowering his face to his son. "Did ya miss your Daddy?" John gently tickle him on his neck eliciting a chuckle from his smiling son. "He's gotten so big."

"I know," Cynthia admitted, shaking her head in disbelief. "I can hardly believe it meself."

Brona, who was standing back with Paul, George and Ringo near the door in order to allow the family to reunite without any of them ruining the moment, picked up Paul's arm by his jacket sleeve and looked down at his watch. "We'll give 'em another five minutes?" she asked the others who nodded in agreement. Brona let go of Paul's sleeve and sighed slightly, crossing her arms across her chest. There was so much she was itching to ask Cynthia.

"We were talkin' about goin' out tonight to a fancy restaurant to celebrate Brona's success on the telly, what do ya think?" John asked his wife in between pulling funny faces at his son and making him have fits of laughter.

"Great!" Cynthia looked over at Brona, a proud smile on her pink lips. "Celebrations are in order."

Brona smiled back at her gratefully and was just about to reply when George whispered, "Three minutes." Brona closed her mouth, disappointment evident in her small pout. Her mouth stayed shout for three seconds more until she finally lost it. "Cyn, I've missed you! I've missed Liverpool! Julian's so cute! Spittin' image of John! What's the gossip? Who's knocked up?! Who's got together?! Who's broken up?!" She didn't take a breath in between any of her questions as she was dying to know the gossip back in Liverpool. The three young men beside her just stared at her with more than one element of expression evident in their faces, "How's the shop? Did anyone find that puppy?"

Paul came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and began to drag her towards the door. George picked up on Paul's plan and twisted the knob of the door and held it open. "Let them be, Brona," George told his twin, who was now frowning.

"I'll be on my way then," Brona said sheepishly. Suddenly, a look of urgency quickly overlapped her unhappy look as Paul dragged her out of the room with the aid of George and Ringo she quickly asked, "What has happened in Coronation Street?!"

Ringo began to close the door but was stopped when Paul peeped his head in and quickly quipped, "Don't break anything, you two." He winked and Ringo laughed at his joke before they looked at the twins.

"What now?" George asked.

"Let's go for ice cream," Brona suggested with a smile before receiving all yeahs in response and they headed in the direction of the lift. Sudden realisation hit Brona and she frowned and stopped in her tracks. "Wait... Beatlemania still exists, right?" she asked already knowing the answer to the standing question.

"That's alright, we'll just get our costumes," Ringo said with a smile and the others flashed a smile at his idea. But those frowns quickly faltered. "Shit!" They ran back to the hotel room as fast as their feet could carry them and launched themselves at the door, banging hard on the door. "Open up!" they yelled repeatedly but the door never opened.

A/N: Haha! Poor things, stuck inside the hotel. :p I can't wait to write. the next chapter! Let's just say flashback! :) Ok so please could you answer a few questions for me? 1. Do you before long or short chapters? 2. Favourite chapter so far? 3. Are you enjoying the story? 4. Favourite part? Umm I can't think of anymore. Please comment and vote! I love hearing feedback. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Peace! :)

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