When You Walk in the Room

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"Any plans this evenin'?" asked Conall, leaning forward, the counter supported him. 

Brona's eyes flicked from her new leather gloves to Conall and then back. She lifted her shoulders. "Nothin' much. Probably doin' a bit more cleanin' for Christmas or runin' a few errands for the neighbours, which I'm pretty much sick off. Oh and Matthew's comin' down today, thank God, and waitin' until the 22nd."

"Wow, five days of Matthew," Conall mused. "You can learn a lot 'bout a person if ya live with 'em that long."

"That's the plan," she said cheerfully, holding a smile briefly. "Right, I'm off." She adjusted the scarf around her neck. "It's your turn to lock up, love."

Conall rolled his eyes. "It's always my turn to lock up."

"See you later, Conall," she said, heading out of the shop and into the cold street.


Brona shivered when she stepped out into the cold air that nipped had her exposed skin. She wrapped her arms around her body and headed for home, savouring the rare alone time.

During this run up to Christmas, she found herself in quite stressful situations thanks to her mother. Mrs Harrison was constantly offering Brona's and Peter's services to neighbours without their consent. She knew is right to help neighbours and family our, especially at Christmas, when the only thing that currently gave her pleasure that week was the stretch between the shop and her house.

Silence was golden.

Luckily, Norman had decided to close the shop at 2 o'clock during the run up to Christmas, which was a few mere days away and Broma was bubbling with excitement - on the inside. She was sure that she looked Scrooge from the outside. She was just exhausted.

Actually, there wasn't much she could do nowadays without her nerves being frayed away. 

She was nearing the end of her book, but she couldn't make up her mind about how Gary and Jessica would end up. She wasn't usually this indecisive, but every time she had her mind made up something would come along and change it.

Nothing else gave her such headache like writer's block. But Jackie Crawley definitely took second place recently.

The girl was completely obsessed with the idea that Brona was in love with Paul McCartney. She had come up with so many, constant and persistent, theories about it that she could write a book on it. Brona was baffled by it all. She didn't think she ever gave Jackie any indication to believe such a thing. She usually kept a cool demeanour.

But she was sure that the visitor of the day would give her pleasure. She was aching to see Matthew. It was only a little while until his arrival, but she knew time would drag on.

It didn't take long until Brona reached her council estate. Her step quickened as she was eager to pass out on her couch in front of a blazing fire, watching the telly. She knew the likely hood of that was not in her favourite.

Brona practically sprinted into the Harrison household through the back of the kitchen door. The new vehicle at the front went totally unnoticed. 

When she slid open the kitchen door, she was greeted by Sparkie, who was barking loudly. He seemed excited by something. Brona assumed it was her arrival home and pet the beagle fondly. When she rose to a standing position, Harry entered from the sitting room door.

"You're not askin' me to babysit Donna again, are you?" Brona assumed, brows raised. "You know I love 'er but I really need some relaxin' time."

"Don't you 'ave enough of that?" Harry teased, but only received a cold eye roll, which he returned. "Mam said she'd look after 'er, but I know you'll 'elp out," he added, giving her a nudge in the shoulder. "Also it's not my only reason for bein' 'ere."

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